Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1


Assignment 3

This assignment covers the material
contained in Chapters 8 to 10.
The marks for each question are shown
in brackets at the end of each question.

  1. A beam, simply supported at its ends, is
    of length 1.4 m. If the beam carries a
    centrally-placed downward concentrated
    load of 50 kN, determine the minimum
    permissible diameter of the beam’s cross-
    section, given that the maximum permis-
    sible stress is 40 MPa, and the beam has
    a solid circular cross-section.

  2. Determine the force applied tangentially
    to a bar of a screw-jack at a radius of
    60 cm, if the torque required is 750 N m.

  3. Calculate the torque developed by a
    motor whose spindle is rotating at 900

rev/min and developing a power of
4.20 KW. (5)

  1. A motor connected to a shaft develops a
    torque of 8 kN m. Determine the number
    of revolutions made by the shaft if the
    work done is 7.2 MJ. (6)

  2. Determine the angular acceleration of a
    shaft that has a moment of inertia of
    32 kg m^2 produced by an accelerating
    torque of 600 N m. (5)

  3. An electric motor has an efficiency of
    72% when running at 1400 rev/min.
    Determine the output torque when the
    power input is 2.50 kW. (5)

  4. A solid circular section shaft is required to
    transmit 60 hp at 1000 rpm. If the maxi-
    mum permissible shear stress in the shaft
    is 35 MPa, determine the minimum per-
    missible diameter of the shaft. What is
    the resulting angle of twist of the shaft per
    metre, assuming that the modulus of rigid-
    ityG=70 GPa and 1 hp= 745 .7W?

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