Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

Determine the braking power required to
give this change of speed.

Change in kinetic energy of car

=^12 mv^21 −^12 mv^22 ,

where m=mass of car=600 kg,

v 1 =initial velocity=90 km/h


3. 6

m/s=25 m/s,

and v 2 =final velocity=54 km/h


3. 6

m/s=15 m/s.

Hence, change in

kinetic energy=^12 m(v^21 −v^22 )

=^12 ( 600 )( 252 − 152 )

=120 000 J.

Braking power=

change in energy
time taken


120 000 J
15 s
=8000 W or 8kW

Now try the following exercises

Exercise 71 Further problems on poten-
tial and kinetic energy

(Assume the acceleration due to gravity,
g= 9 .81 m/s^2 )

  1. An object of mass 400 g is thrown verti-
    cally upwards and its maximum increase
    in potential energy is 32.6 J. Determine
    the maximum height reached, neglecting
    air resistance. [8.31 m]

  2. A ball bearing of mass 100 g rolls down
    from the top of a chute of length 400 m
    inclined at an angle of 30°to the horizon-
    tal. Determine the decrease in potential
    energy of the ball bearing as it reaches
    the bottom of the chute. [196.2 J]

  3. A vehicle of mass 800 kg is travelling at
    54 km/h when its brakes are applied. Find
    the kinetic energy lost when the car comes
    to rest. [90 kJ]
    4. Supplies of mass 300 kg are dropped
    from a helicopter flying at an altitude of
    60 m. Determine the potential energy of
    the supplies relative to the ground at the
    instant of release, and its kinetic energy
    as it strikes the ground.
    [176.6 kJ, 176.6 kJ]
    5. A shell of mass 10 kg is fired verti-
    cally upwards with an initial velocity
    of 200 m/s. Determine its initial kinetic
    energy and the maximum height reached,
    correct to the nearest metre, neglecting air
    resistance. [200 kJ, 2039 m]
    6. The potential energy of a mass is
    increased by 20.0 kJ when it is lifted
    vertically through a height of 25.0 m. It
    is now released and allowed to fall freely.
    Neglecting air resistance, find its kinetic
    energy and its velocity after it has fallen
    10.0 m. [8 kJ, 14.0 m/s]
    7. A piledriver of mass 400 kg falls freely
    through a height of 1.2 m on to a pile
    of mass 150 kg. Determine the velocity
    with which the driver hits the pile. If,
    at impact, 2.5 kJ of energy are lost due
    to heat and sound, the remaining energy
    being possessed by the pile and driver as
    they are driven together into the ground
    a distance of 150 mm, determine (a) the
    common velocity after impact, (b) the
    average resistance of the ground.
    [4.85 m/s (a) 2.83 m/s (b) 14.68 kN]

14.5 Kinetic energy of rotation

Whenlinear motiontakes place,

kinetic energy=

∑m


v^2 ,

but whenrotational motiontakes place,

kinetic energy=



Sinceωis a constant,

kinetic energy=ω^2


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