Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

can be transmitted, and (b) maximum
force which can be transmitted when the
belt is running at a constant speed.

[(a) 675 N (b) 652.5 N]

15.3 Applications of friction

In some applications, a low coefficient of friction is
desirable, for example, in bearings, pistons moving
within cylinders, on ski runs, and so on. However,
for such applications as force being transmitted by
belt drives and braking systems, a high value of
coefficient is necessary.

Problem 4. State three advantages, and
three disadvantages of frictional forces.

Instances where frictional forces are an advantage

(i) Almost all fastening devices rely on frictional
forces to keep them in place once secured,
examples being screws, nails, nuts, clips and
(ii) Satisfactory operation of brakes and clutches
rely on frictional forces being present.
(iii) In the absence of frictional forces, most accel-
erations along a horizontal surface are impos-
sible; for example, a person’s shoes just slip
when walking is attempted and the tyres of a
car just rotate with no forward motion of the
car being experienced.

Disadvantages of frictional forces include:

(i) Energy is wasted in the bearings associated
with shafts, axles and gears due to heat being
(ii) Wear is caused by friction, for example, in
shoes, brake lining materials and bearings.
(iii) Energy is wasted when motion through air
occurs (it is much easier to cycle with the
wind rather than against it).

Problem 5. Discuss briefly two design
implications that arise due to frictional forces
and how lubrication may or may not help.

(i) Bearings are made of an alloy called white
metal, which has a relatively low melting point.
When the rotating shaft rubs on the white metal
bearing, heat is generated by friction, often in
one spot and the white metal may melt in this
area, rendering the bearing useless. Adequate lubri-
cation (oil or grease) separates the shaft from
the white metal, keeps the coefficient of friction
small and prevents damage to the bearing. For
very large bearings, oil is pumped under pressure
into the bearing and the oil is used to remove
the heat generated, often passing through oil cool-
ers before being re-circulated. Designers should
ensure that the heat generated by friction can be
(ii) Wheels driving belts, to transmit force from
one place to another, are used in many workshops.
The coefficient of friction between the wheel and
the belt must be high, and it may be increased by
dressing the belt with a tar-like substance. Since
frictional force is proportional to the normal force,
a slipping belt is made more efficient by tighten-
ing it, thus increasing the normal and hence the
frictional force. Designers should incorporate some
belt tension mechanism into the design of such a

Problem 6. Explain what is meant by the
terms (a) the limiting or static coefficient of
friction, and (b) the sliding or dynamic
coefficient of friction.

(a) When an object is placed on a surface and
a force is applied to it in a direction parallel to
the surface, if no movement takes place, then the
applied force is balanced exactly by the frictional
force. As the size of the applied force is increased,
a value is reached such that the object is just on
the point of moving. The limiting or static coeffi-
cient of friction is given by the ratio of this applied
force to the normal force, where the normal force
is the force acting at right angles to the surfaces in
(b) Once the applied force is sufficient to over-
come the stiction its value can be reduced slightly
and the object moves across the surface. A partic-
ular value of the applied force is then sufficient to
keep the object moving at a constant velocity. The
sliding or dynamic coefficient of friction is the ratio
of the applied force, to maintain constant velocity,
to the normal force.
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