Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

  1. State the relationship between frequency
    f and periodic timeTwhen SHM takes

  2. State the formula for the frequency of
    oscillation for a simple pendulum.

  3. State a simple method of increasing the
    period of oscillation of the pendulum of a
    ‘grandfather’ clock.

Exercise 88 Multi-choice questions on
simple harmonic motion
(Answers on page 285)

  1. Tidal motion is normally related to which
    mathematical function?
    (a) tangent (b) sine
    (c) square root (d) straight line
    2. If the mass of a simple pendulum is dou-
    bled, its period of oscillation:

(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) stays the same (d) doubles

  1. A pendulum has a certain frequency of
    oscillation in London. Assuming that tem-
    perature remains the same, the frequency
    of oscillation of the pendulum if it is mea-
    sured on the equator:

(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains the same (d) doubles

  1. The period of oscillation of a simple pen-
    dulum of length 9.81 m, given
    g= 9 .81 m/s^2 is:

(a) 6.28 Hz (b) 0.455 Hz
(c) 17.96 Hz (d) 0.056 Hz
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