Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

(b) Ann-pulley system has a movement ratio of
n, hence this 6-pulley system has amovement
ratioof 6
(c) From equation (18.3),


force ratio
movement ratio

× 100


3. 75

× 100 = 62 .5%

Now try the following exercise

Exercise 90 Further problems on pulleys

  1. A pulley system consists of four pulleys
    in an upper block and three pulleys in
    a lower block. Make a sketch of this
    arrangement showing how a movement
    ratio of 7 may be obtained. If the force
    ratio is 4.2, what is the efficiency of the
    pulley. [60%]

  2. A three-pulley lifting system is used to
    raise a load of 4.5 kN. Determine the
    effort required to raise this load when
    losses are neglected. If the actual effort
    required is 1.6 kN, determine the effi-
    ciency of the pulley system at this load.
    [1.5 kN, 93.75%]

18.4 The screw-jack

Asimple screw-jackis shown in Figure 18.3 and
is a simple machine since it changes both the mag-
nitude and the line of action of a force.

Effective radius




Ta b l e

Figure 18.3

The screw of the table of the jack is located in
a fixed nut in the body of the jack. As the table
is rotated by means of a bar, it raises or lowers a
load placed on the table. For a single-start thread, as
shown, for one complete revolution of the table, the
effort moves through a distance 2πr, and the load
moves through a distance equal to the lead of the
screw, say,L.

Movement ratio=

2 πr

( 18. 4 )

Problem 6. A screw-jack is being used to
support the axle of a car, the load on it being
2.4 kN. The screw jack has an effort of
effective radius 200 mm and a single-start
square thread, having a lead of 5 mm.
Determine the efficiency of the jack if an
effort of 60 N is required to raise the car

From equation (18.3),


force ratio
movement ratio


where force ratio=



2400 N
60 N

= 40

From equation (18.4),

movement ratio=

2 πr


2 π( 200 )mm
= 251. 3

Hence, efficiency=

force ratio
movement ratio

× 100


251. 3

× 100 = 15 .9%

Now try the following exercise

Exercise 91 Further problems on the

  1. Sketch a simple screw-jack. The single-
    start screw of such a jack has a lead
    of 6 mm and the effective length of the
    operating bar from the centre of the screw
    is 300 mm. Calculate the load which can
    be raised by an effort of 150 N if the
    efficiency at this load is 20%.
    [9.425 kN]

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