Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

Part 3 Heat transfer and fluid



Heat energy and transfer

At the end of this chapter you should be
able to:

  • distinguish between heat and temperature

  • appreciate that temperature is measured on
    the Celsius or the thermodynamic scale

  • convert temperatures from Celsius into
    Kelvin and vice versa

  • recognise several temperature measuring

  • define specific heat capacity,cand recog-
    nise typical values

  • calculate the quantity of heat energyQ
    usingQ=mc(t 2 −t 1 )

  • understand change of state from solid to
    liquid to gas, and vice versa

  • distinguish between sensible and latent

  • define specific latent heat of fusion

  • define specific latent heat of vaporisation

  • recognise typical values of latent heats of
    fusion and vaporisation

  • calculate quantity of heatQusing

  • describe the principle of operation of a
    simple refrigerator

    • understand conduction, convection and

    • understand the construction of a vacuum

    • appreciate the use of insulation in conserv-
      ing fuel in the home

19.1 Introduction

Heatis a form of energy and is measured in joules.
Temperatureis the degree of hotness or coldness
of a substance. Heat and temperature are thus not
the same thing. For example, twice the heat energy
is needed to boil a full container of water than half a
container — that is, different amounts of heat energy
are needed to cause an equal rise in the temperature
of different amounts of the same substance.
Temperature is measured either (i) on theCelsius
(°C)scale (formerly Centigrade), where the temper-
ature at which ice melts, i.e. the freezing point of
water, is taken as 0°C and the point at which water
boils under normal atmospheric pressure is taken
as 100°C, or (ii) on thethermodynamic scale,in
which the unit of temperature is thekelvin (K).The
kelvin scale uses the same temperature interval as
the Celsius scale but as its zero takes the ‘abso-
lute zero of temperature’ which is at about− 273 °C.

kelvin temperature=degree Celsius+ 273

i.e. K=(°C)+^273
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