Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1


12 mm

0.2 kN



2.7 kN 0.4 kN

1.3 kN

10 mm 15 mm

Figure 5.16

  1. For the force system shown in Figure 5.17,
    find the values ofFanddfor the system
    to be in equilibrium. [1.0 kN, 64 mm]

1.4 kN

12 mm



14 mm

5 mm

2.3 kN 0.8 kN

0.7 kN

Figure 5.17

  1. For the force system shown in Figure 5.18,
    determine distanced for the forces RA
    andRBto be equal, assuming equilibrium
    conditions. [80 m]

10 N

d 20 m20 m20 m

15 N 25 N

Figure 5.18

  1. A simply supported beamABis loaded as
    shown in Figure 5.19. Determine the load
    Fin order that the reaction atAis zero.
    [36 kN]

10 kN

R 1 R 2

2 m 2 m 2 m 2 m

16 kN F


Figure 5.19

  1. A uniform wooden beam, 4.8 m long, is
    supported at its left-hand end and also at

3.2 m from the left-hand end. The mass
of the beam is equivalent to 200 N acting
vertically downwards at its centre. Deter-
mine the reactions at the supports.
[50 N, 150 N]

  1. For the simply supported beamPQshown
    in Figure 5.20, determine (a) the reaction
    at each support, (b) the maximum force
    which can be applied atQwithout losing

[(a)R 1 =3kN,R 2 =12 kN (b) 15.5 kN]

4 kN

R 1 R 2

1.5 m 4.0 m 1.5 m 2.0 m

6 kN 5 kN


Figure 5.20

  1. A uniform beamABis 12 m long and is
    supported at distances of 2.0 m and 9.0 m
    fromA. Loads of 60 kN, 104 kN, 50 kN
    and 40 kN act vertically downwards at
    A, 5.0 m fromA, 7.0 m fromA and
    atB. Neglecting the mass of the beam,
    determine the reactions at the supports.
    [133.7 kN, 120.3 kN]

  2. A uniform girder carrying point loads
    is shown in Figure 5.21. Determine the
    value of loadF which causes the beam
    to just lift off the supportB. [3.25 kN]

F 10 kN 4 kN 5 kN
2 m 4 m 3 m 2 m

4 m

Figure 5.21

5.4 Simply supported beams with


The procedure adopted here is a simple extension to
Section 5.3, but it must be remembered that the units
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