Poetry for Students, Volume 31

(Ann) #1

imagination. Like the mystical South of ‘‘High-
Priests... and a jujuman’’ the book transcends
temporal dimensions.

Source:Michael Krasny, ‘‘The Aesthetic Structure of
Jean Toomer’sCane,’’ inNegro American Literature
Forum, Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 1975, pp. 42–43.


Bell, Bernard, ‘‘A Key to the Poems inCane,’’ inJean
Toomer: A Critical Evaluation, edited by Therman B.
O’Daniel, Howard University Press, 1988, p. 326.

Benson, Brian Joseph, and Mabel Mayle Dillard,Jean
Toomer, Twayne Publishers, 1980, pp. 29, 43.

Blake, William, ‘‘The Tyger,’’ inThe Norton Anthology of
English Literature: The Major Authors, 5th ed., edited by
M. H. Abrams, Norton, 1987, pp. 1330–31.

Bush, Ann Marie, and Louis D. Mitchell, ‘‘Jean Toomer:
A Cubist Poet,’’ inBlack American Literature Forum,
Vol. 17, No. 3, Fall 1983, pp. 106–8.

Clary, Franc ̧oise, ‘‘‘The Waters of My Heart’: Myth and
Belonging in Jean Toomer’sCane,’’ inJean Toomer and
the Harlem Renaissance, edited by Genevieve Fabre and`
Michel Feith, Rutgers University Press, 2001, p. 78.

Ford, Karen Jackson,Split-Gut Song: Jean Toomer and
the Poetics of Modernity, University of Alabama Press,
2005, pp. 6, 70, 76–9, 123, 179.

Frost, Robert, ‘‘Storm Fear,’’ inThe Columbia Anthology
of American Poetry, edited by Jay Parini, Columbia Uni-
versity Press, 1995, p. 306.

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., ‘‘The Same Difference: Reading
Jean Toomer, 1923–1983,’’ inFigures in Black: Words,
Signs, and the ‘‘Racial’’ Self, Oxford University Press,
1987, pp. 213, 218.

Griffin, John Chandler,Biography of American Author
Jean Toomer, 1894–1967, Edwin Mellen Press, 2002, pp.
11, 43, 112–13.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, ‘‘Pied Beauty,’’ inThe Norton
Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors, 5th
ed., edited by M. H. Abrams, Norton, 1987, pp. 2188–89.

Horton, James Oliver, and Lois E. Horton, ‘‘African
American History,’’Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia
2008 , http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761595158/
African_American_History.html (accessed January 22,

Jones, Robert B., Introduction toThe Collected Poems of
Jean Toomer, edited by Robert B. Jones and Margery
Toomer Latimer, University of North Carolina Press,
1988, p. x.

Karrer, Wolfgang, ‘‘Black Modernism? The Early Poetry
of Jean Toomer,’’ inJean Toomer and the Harlem Ren-
aissance, edited by Genevieve Fabre and Michel Feith,`
Rutgers University Press, 2001, pp. 129–30, 135.

Keats, John, ‘‘To Autumn,’’ inThe Norton Anthology of
English Literature: The Major Authors, 5th ed., edited by
M. H. Abrams, Norton, 1987, pp. 1869–70.
McKay, Nellie Y.,Jean Toomer, Artist: A Study of His
Literary Life and Work, 1894–1936, University of North
Carolina Press, 1984, p. 131.
Scruggs, Charles, and Lee VanDemarr,Jean Toomer and
the Terrors of American History, University of Pennsyl-
vania Press, 1998, pp. 54–6.
Sullivan, Arthur,The Mikado,inThe Complete Plays of
Gilbert and Sullivan, Modern Library, 1936, p. 400.
Tennyson, Alfred,In Memoriam, Canto 56, inThe Nor-
ton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors,
5th edition, edited by M. H. Abrams, Norton, 1987.
Toomer, Jean, ‘‘Storm Ending,’’ inThe Collected Poems
of Jean Toomer, edited by Robert B. Jones and Margery
Toomer Latimer, University of North Carolina Press,
1988, p. 4.
Turner, Darwin T.,In a Minor Chord: Three Afro-
American Writers and Their Search for Identity, South-
ern Illinois University Press, 1971, pp. 2, 26.
———, Introduction toCane, by Jean Toomer, Liver-
ight, 1975, pp. xv–xvi, xxii.
Wordsworth, William, ‘‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,’’
inThe Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major
Authors, 5th ed., edited by M. H. Abrams, Norton, 1987,
p. 1426.


Howe, Irving, ed.,The Idea of the Modern in Literature
and the Arts, Horizon Press, 1968.
In this collection, Irving Howe and other con-
tributors, including the critic Lionel Trilling,
analyze aspects of modernism, including its
conflicts with middle-class society.
Hutchinson, George, ed.,The Cambridge Companion to
the Harlem Renaissance, Cambridge University Press,
This collection of essays examines the history
of the Harlem Renaissance and includes anal-
yses of various authors associated with the
movement, including Toomer.
Kazin, Alfred,A Writer’s America: Landscape in Litera-
ture, Knopf, 1988.
Kazin discusses the various responses writers
have had to the natural world in America, from
Thomas Jefferson through the twentieth century.
Woodward, C. Vann,The Strange Career of Jim Crow,
Oxford University Press, 2002.
Originally published in 1955, this classic study
of the history of segregation was praised by
Martin Luther King, Jr., for its usefulness dur-
ing the civil rights movement.

Storm Ending
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