Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Figure 5.1 Raising Cane’s fan page
Opening Pandora’s Box
It’s funny how something seemingly innocent like comments on your website or fan page can
cut both ways. On one hand, it’s a good way to get people talking about your product or ser-
vice—and it can be a feature that helps drive traffic to you. On the other hand, if it isn’t closely
watched, it could turn nasty.
What are some things that you should consider when opening your site or fan page to user sub-
missions and comments?
• Is your organization comfortable with the concept? Culturally, is your organization willing to
deal with the good and the bad? Your organization may want to tightly control messaging
or user feedback. If so, user comments and posts can be more damaging than an environ-
ment where broadcasting customer feedback isn’t seen as a risk.

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