Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Month 2: Establish Corpo


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but over and above the daily wall post, the restaurant is using photos, events,
and other types of content to reinforce the restaurant and the brand with fun and
energy. these things can help turn ordinary people who enjoy an occasional chicken
finger basket into supporters who recommend the restaurant to friends and family.
alongside the marketing benefits of daily fan page maintenance, they’re sourcing their
network of Facebook fans for employees. this helps in a few ways:
• it helps inform passionate fans of the restaurant of available positions, which in
turn helps the company source passionate employees.
• it reduces the cost of talent acquisition (if Canes’ are indeed able to find quali-
fied candidates).
• it is a simple yet meaningful way to show fans available job opportunities with
the company.
one more important point regards raising Cane’s presence on Facebook: con-
ducting a search yields a large number of fan page and group results. Many of the fan
pages are clearly created by the company for specific restaurant locations, but there
are a few which appear to have been created by fans. Certainly the large number
of raising Cane’s groups are mostly user created. in order to clearly distinguish the
official Facebook fan page for raising Cane’s, the company included this line in the
small info section below their fan page image: “welcome to the official raising Cane’s
Facebook Fan page!” (Figure 5.1.)

Tuesday: Become a Fan of Successful Fan Pages
so, let’s start by reviewing an effective Facebook fan page. log into Facebook, pick a
brand or a company you really like, and enter it in the search box in the upper-right
part of the screen. in the search results, click pages, and click the fan page you’d like
to see. pages with a higher number of fans obviously are doing something better than
those with fewer fans, so you should opt for those that have been more successful as
you seek examples. (alternatively, you may wish to browse the index of all Facebook
fan pages in their respective categories. here is the direct link to the directory, which
is not easy to find on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/?browse. or, two other
sources are at http://www.facebakers.com and http://statistics.allfacebook.com/pages).
Conceptually, what features or elements of a Facebook fan page will help your
business? if building a good Facebook fan page is one part art and one part science,
then how can you emulate success in your own situation? here are a few ideas:
Interaction does the fan page encourage people to interact with each other or comment
on the things you post or share? what kinds of content seem to work best to encourage
Soft-selling how far does the fan page administrator go to directly sell products or ser-
vices? is the fan page used to influence fans in any way?
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