Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Essentially, the excitement driven by the 1960s hip icons created an army of Mad Men evange-
lists—directing fans and nonfans alike to the Eight O’Clock sponsored site to get their own ver-
sion of customized 1960s icons for their MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook profiles.
As of this writing, we are not aware of any additional brand integration with the cof fee maker
and the show. It would be interesting to see further crossover. For instance, why not have
Sterling Cooper, the advertising agency featured in the show, take on Eight O’Clock Coffee as a
client in the storyline? Perhaps a simple campaign of product placement would suffice. Why are
the characters in the show not walking around the of fice with paper cof fee cups emblazoned
with the Eight O’Clock Coffee logo on them?
In any event, you can see how an initial misfire has been turned around, creating a complete
social media ecosystem where AMC utilizes Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms
not only to enhance the brand but as a integral part of the advertising model used to support the
show and network.

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