Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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135 characters for the body. ads appear on the right side of users’ news Feed, profile,
events, groups, fan pages and other major pages on Facebook, and they refresh upon
every new click made within Facebook—including when a user clicks on the tabs on a
profile, group or fan page. if you are advertising a Facebook fan page, the title will be
the name of your page, and you won’t be able to edit it. if you are advertising an appli-
cation, a group, or a website, you will be able to edit the title.
all told, you have 160 characters to make your case to users that they should
pay attention to you, along with the opportunity to present an image. images that you
upload will be resized to 110×80 pixels, and this will be presented to you on the right
side of the screen after you choose the image you want. be sure to take a look to ensure
your image looks good at that size.
when it comes to effective ad copy, you need to do a few things:
• be clear. tell people exactly why your offer is compelling and why they
should care.
• be human. Your ad appears alongside ads from other companies. speak to peo-
ple as a person and not as a company or large organization.
• appeal to segments of your market. Facebook ads can be created to reach very
specific market segments. use this to your advantage to see what works best.
• Don’t oversell. overpromising is a great way to make people angry about the
fact that they’ve clicked your ad. Make it a positive experience.
• try different things. Customers can view your company or brand in a variety of
different ways. use different approaches to engage.
• include a “call to action.” Don’t leave it to a customer to interpret what they
should do if they like your ad. tell them what they need to do next.
Facebook doesn’t just run every ad you place. they have a set of guidelines that
you must follow for your ad to be approved. we won’t cover them in detail here, but
you can check them out at http://www.facebook.com/ads/mistakes.php. You can also refer to
Facebook’s best practices at http://www.facebook.com/ads/best_practices.php.
we’ll now show you an example of two different sets of ad copy for a local res-
taurant. the real name of the restaurant will be withheld to protect the innocent. both
of the following ads sent Facebook users of all ages near the restaurant to a reserva-
tions page on the Joe’s bar and grill website:
advertisement #1
Joe’s Bar and Grill
Joe’s serves the area’s best
steaks, seafood, and other
local favorites. Make a
reservation today.
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