Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

(Tuis.) #1

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Week 1: Underst
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YouTube Badge create a fully customizable widget with your Youtube videos or favorites
(s ee http://apps.facebook.com/youtubebadge)..)
Facebook’s Twitter app You have 420 characters to create an update on your fan page; by
linking your fan page to your twitter account, any time you update content on your
fan page, it automatically posts as a tweet on twitter, truncates the post at around
120 characters, and inserts a bit.ly link back to your fan page. (You can choose which
content to post as tweets: status update, photos, links, notes, and events.) this can be
an extremely effective strategy in terms of growing a large presence quickly on twitter
and then using this app to bring your twitter followers onto your fan page. to track
stats for any bit.ly link, just paste it into your browser’s address bar and add a + sign at
the end (see http://facebook.com/twitter)..)
Selective Tweet Status i f you’re active on twitter.com as well, you may want to choose spe-
cific tweets to post as your fan page status update using this app, which works for per-
sonal profiles too. note that if you use Facebook’s twitter app, it’s best not to use the
selective tweet status app because you’ll end up with double tweets when Facebook
posts the same content to twitter (see http://apps.facebook.com/selectivetwitter)..)
For a suite of fan page apps, see involver.com (http://involver.com) and Wildfire
interactive (http://wildfireapp.com). For enterprise-level customization, see Buddy
Media (http://buddymedia.com).
When seeking applications that will create a better experience for your fans
or friends, be sure to temper your expectations. third-party apps won’t always work
exactly as you want them to work—there may be a quirky user interface or a func-
tional issue that frustrates you. You get what you pay for!
Friday: Measure the Effectiveness of Posted Content
Your fan page comes with a special analytics tool called insights. When you view your
own fan page—or any page you’re an admin for—you’ll see the “insights” box just
above your fans. You can see, at a glance, your “post quality” score in terms of num-
bers out of 10 and stars out of 5, plus the number of interactions this week. click see
All, and you’ll find an array of metrics to view, including gender split, top countries,
top cities, top languages, and more. You can drill deeper and see page views, numbers
of discussion posts, number of mentions (@ tagging), and so on.
the data available under insights may or may not be of particular use to you.
however, it’s certainly worth keeping an eye on the top-level stats to see how the
quality of your posts and interactions are doing over time.
For a third-party analytics tool, see Fan page Analytics (http://fanpageanalytics
.com), which provides an interactive map of where your fans are around the world,
other fan pages they are members of, and additional useful information.

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