Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Week 3: i
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Figure 7.3 Fan box for Mashable
Facebook currently allows three major options for integrating fan boxes into
existing websites. Users can attach a fan box to typepad or Blogger (google’s blogging
platform). Users can also attach a fan box to an existing website. note that you can’t
do this for any fan page you happen to like. You must have administrator privileges for
the fan page to add it to a third-party blog or website.
similarly, Facebook allows people and companies to share content via badges.
there are currently three types of badges—profile badges, photo badges, and page
badges. these badges typically carry basic information about your presence with a
hyperlink so visitors can click the badge and immediately view your Facebook pres-
ence. Badges are an interesting way to share that you have a presence on Facebook, but
they are limited in that they carry very little information that a visitor can act upon.
they are best used to accentuate a blog’s design or content and not for an official com-
pany website in most cases.

Week 3: Integrate Your Efforts with Multichannel Marketing

Facebook and other social media marketing activities are great on their own, but
they’re truly at their best when integrated with a variety of other marketing efforts.
put differently, you shouldn’t build a fan page or run advertising on Facebook with the
expectation that social media will solve all your marketing problems. You should think

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