Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Facebook Return on Investment and the Mayo Medical School

Facebook Return on Investment and the Mayo Medical school

return on investment is perhaps the harshest yet most aligned measurements for a
social media campaign. Why? in large part, we’re still in the early days of social media.
A lot of the benefits are soft because nobody really knows where facebook, Twitter,
and other social media services are headed. is this the new way of doing business or
just a fad? nobody knows for sure. As a result, you’ll have different perspectives on
social media that will drive different opinions. some managers/executives in an organi-
zation look for fairly immediate ways to generate a short-term roi. others see the real
and potential long-term benefits enjoyed today by establishing an effective presence
and connecting with consumers. one thing is certain—nobody has a crystal ball that
can tell you definitively what a facebook fan is worth. nobody knows how facebook
will change or modify its platform to allow for different and more engaging marketing
That said, some organizations have grappled with the issue of roi for facebook.
The Mayo Medical school is one example. barbara porter is the assistant dean for
Academic and student Affairs at the Mayo Medical school. When discussing the ben-
efits and roi she’s seen with using facebook, she describes how it has enabled the
school to save time and money on its new student orientation process. since the Mayo
Medical school has adopted facebook as part of its orientation process for new stu-
dents, the school has seen a savings of more than $20,000 per year. This is because the
team-building exercises that are traditionally required to integrate new students into
the culture of the school are no longer necessary.
“f acebook has really changed how we do orientation at Mayo Medical school,”
she said. “We no longer have to operate with the assumption that nobody knows
porter spells out two primary goals the school is reaching toward: first, social-
ization and team building among the students, and second, saving money for the pro-
gram so the school can reallocate it for better use elsewhere. porter claims that because
of facebook, “the teamwork has already been established. They’ve camped! They’ve
planned camping trips before they ever get to the medical school.”
porter explains, “The positive impact number one [is that] they come as a
coalesced team, and two, it saves us money.”
before the school created its facebook page, the school spent a considerable
amount of time learning each student’s name along with some of their particulars so
the student could be welcomed into an environment where they felt like someone was
paying attention and cared. “We didn’t want them to feel isolated,” porter said.
Things have certainly changed since those days. now porter finds that the stu-
dents know everybody in their class when they arrive at school. for example, each
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