Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

(Tuis.) #1

c h a p t e r

1 :

Internet Market

Ing 1985–2010

gotten increasingly more comfortable with sharing personal information online and
in social networks. People live their lives offline and report on what happens online.
Yesterday’s privacy intrusion is today’s opportunity to share life’s intimate details with
friends, acquaintances, and sometimes strangers alike. From a marketer’s perspective,
we’ve never had an opportunity like this, where so much information is available about
consumers. Information that was once trapped in databases is now accessible in aggre-
gate form from Facebook and its competitors. We have an unprecedented opportunity
to use these technologies to share the value of our products and services not with the
general public, but rather with people who are very likely to be interested in hearing
from us. So let’s turn our attention to a snapshot of what we know about social media
usage and how we may be able to use social media most effectively when marketing
products and services.

Figure 1.7 Twitter home page

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