Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Month 1: Create the Plan an
d Get Started


Month 1: Create the

Plan and Get Started

Now that we’ve gone through all the basic back-
ground information you need, it’s time to get

started on a project. Getting your colleagues com-

fortable with social media and all it entails—the
good and the bad—is a key factor for organiza-

tional buy-in and ultimately success. Remember,
these projects involve a lot of trial and error. Your

company and your management team have to be
comfortable with that dynamic if you are going

to have the flexibility you need to find a suc-

cessful social media marketing strategy for your

Chapter Contents

Week 1: Lay the Groundwork

Week 2: Draft and Present the Plan
Week 3: Establish a Presence with the
Facebook Profile and Friends
Week 4: Use Basic Facebook Features to
Promote Yourself
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