Laboratory Methods of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd English Ed. 1928

(singke) #1

INDEX. 253

Guldberg, CM 53
Gypsum 195
Halogen compounds 73
Halogens, complex acids of 40
complex salts of 40
oxyacids 114
Heating curve 34
of crucibles 1
of dishes 4
of flasks 3
of tubes 2
with a reflux condenser 3
Hexamminechromic nitrate 184
Hexamminecobaltic salts 175
Hexamminecobaltous salts 185
Hexamminenickelous bromide 171
Hittorf, W 140, 148
Homogenepus complexes 101, 108, 109
Hot-cold tubes 103
Hydrates, theory of 188
of calcium sulphate 195
of chromium chloride 199
of sodium sulphate 196
Hydration of the ions 191
Hydrazine sulphate 158
Hydrides 63
Hydriodic acid 70
Hydrobromic acid 70
Hydrochloric acid 77c
Hydrocyanic acid 91, 92
Hydroferrocyanio acid 146
Hydrofluosilicic acid : 142
Hydrogels 41
Hydrogen chloride, preparation of 77c
Hydrogen cyanide 91, 92
Hydrogen peroxide 103-106
catalysis 43
reactions 83, 104
Hydrolysis 67, 68
Hydrosols 39
Hydroxylaminedisulphonic acid 156, 158
Hydroxylamine sulphate 156
Hyposulphurous acid 132

Ice curve 194
Ignition powder 17

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