Table of Contents
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 1
Hurricane Katrina’s Impact ...................................................................................................... 11
Chapter I. Introduction and Purpose ...................................................................................... 13
Chapter II. Approach and Method ........................................................................................... 17
- Organizational Structure and Committees
- Stakeholder and Public Input
- Coordination with Other Agencies
- Criteria for Selecting and Prioritizing Species of Greatest Conservation Need
- Mississippi’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need
- Classifying and Ranking Wildlife Habitats in Mississippi
- Identifying Threats and Conservation Actions for Species and their Habitats
- References for this Section
Chapter III. Mississippi’s Ecological Framework - Ecoregions of Mississippi ....................... 61
- East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregion
- Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Ecoregion
- Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregion
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecoregion
- References for this Section
Chapter IV. Wildlife Habitats for Mississippi’s SGCN,
Threats and Conservation Actions .......................................................................................... 77
- Introduction
- A Guide to Using this Section
- Habitat Types and Subtypes
- Dry-Mesic Upland Forests/Woodlands ..................................................... 87
1.1 Dry Hardwood Forests
1.2 Dry Longleaf Pine Forests
1.3 Dry-Mesic Hardwood Forests
1.4 Dry-Mesic Shortleaf/Loblolly Pine Forests
- Dry-Mesic Upland Forests/Woodlands ..................................................... 87