Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1
(b) A photopeak is due to only photoelectric effect of g-rays, or due to
all g-rays that deposit full energy in the detector. True or false?

  1. (a) Describe the function of a pulse-height analyzer (PHA).
    (b) Do the following factors affect the size (pulse height) of the pho-
    topeak pulses?
    i. Gain of the amplifier
    ii. High voltage of PM tubes
    iii. Distance between the source and the detector
    iv. Light photons produced in the detector

  2. In a g-ray spectrum, describe the origins of:
    (a) Backscatter peak
    (b) Compton valley
    (c) Characteristic Kx-ray peak
    (d) Iodine escape peak
    (e) Sum peak

  3. (a) Describe the principles of a liquid scintillation counter.
    (b) What is a scintillation solution, and how does it work?
    (c) What is the purpose of using a secondary solute to the scintillation
    (d) What are the most common solvents for liquid scintillation
    (e) Can you count^3 H (b−energy =0.018 MeV) and^14 C (b−energy =
    0.156 MeV) in the same sample using a liquid scintillation counter
    equipped with three PHAs?

  4. (a) Define the energy resolution of a detector.
    (b) For a given detector, the energy resolution of low-energy photons
    is poorer than that of high-energy photons. True or false?
    (c) For NaI(Tl) detectors, the energy resolution should be less than
    10% for the 662-keV photon of^137 Cs. True or false?

  5. (a) A point source of 99mTc is placed 10 cm away from a NaI(Tl) detec-
    tor that has a diameter of 20 cm. Calculate the geometric efficiency.
    (b) What would be the geometric efficiency if the source were placed
    on the surface of the detector?

  6. (a) Explain the dead time and pulse pileup of a counter.
    (b) What is the distinction between the paralyzable and nonparalyz-
    able systems?
    (c) What are the typical dead times for Geiger–Müller (GM) counters
    and NaI(Tl) counters?

  7. (a) Describe the energy calibration of a NaI(Tl) well counter.
    (b) Why does the count rate differ from the disintegration rate of a
    sample of a radionuclide?
    (c) How does the sample volume affect the count rate?

  8. What are the spillover or crosstalk contributions in a spectrum of
    several g-rays? How would you correct for them?

106 8. Scintillation and Semiconductor Detectors

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