- Chapter 1 Structure of Matter Preface vii
- Matter and Energy
- Radiation
- The Atom
- Electronic Structure of the Atom
- Structure of the Nucleus
- Nuclear Binding Energy
- Nuclear Nomenclature
- Chart of the Nuclides
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Matter and Energy
- Chapter 2 Radioactive Decay
- Spontaneous Fission
- Isomeric Transition
- Gamma (g)-Ray Emission
- Internal Conversion
- Alpha (a)-Decay
- Beta (b−)-Decay
- Positron (b+)-Decay
- Electron Capture
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Chapter 3 Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
- Radioactive Decay Equations
- General Equation
- Half-Life
- Mean Life
- Effective Half-life
- Units of Radioactivity
- Specific Activity
- Calculation
- Successive Decay Equations
- General Equation
- Transient Equilibrium
- Secular Equilibrium
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Radioactive Decay Equations
- Chapter 4 Statistics of Radiation Counting
- Error, Accuracy, and Precision
- Mean and Standard Deviation
- Gaussian Distribution
- Standard Deviation of Count Rates
- Propagation of Errors
- Chi-Square Test
- Minimum Detectable Activity
- Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Chapter 5 Production of Radionuclides
- Cyclotron-Produced Radionuclides
- Reactor-Produced Radionuclides
- Fission or (n,f) Reaction
- Neutron Capture or (n,g) Reaction
- Target and Its Processing
- Equation for Production of Radionuclides
- Radionuclide Generators
- 99 Mo–99mTc Generator
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Chapter 6 Interaction of Radiation with Matter
- Interaction of Charged Particles with Matter
- Specific Ionization
- Linear Energy Transfer
- Range
- Bremsstrahlung
- Annihilation
- Interaction of g-Radiations with Matter
- Mechanism of Interaction of g-Radiations
- Attenuation of g-Radiations
- Interaction of Neutrons with Matter
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Interaction of Charged Particles with Matter
- Chapter 7 Gas-Filled Detectors
- Principles of Gas-Filled Detectors
- Ionization Chambers
- Cutie Pie Survey Meter
- Dose Calibrator
- Pocket Dosimeter
- Geiger–Müller Counters
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Chapter 8 Scintillation and Semiconductor Detectors
- Scintillation Detectors
- Solid Scintillation Detectors
- Semiconductor Detectors
- Solid Scintillation Counters
- NaI(Tl) Detector
- Photomultiplier Tube
- Preamplifier
- Linear Amplifier
- Pulse-Height Analyzer
- Display or Storage
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- Photopeak
- Compton Valley, Edge, and Plateau
- Characteristic X-Ray Peak
- Backscatter Peak
- Iodine Escape Peak
- Annihilation Peak
- Coincidence Peak
- Liquid Scintillation Counters
- Characteristics of Counting Systems
- Energy Resolution
- Detection Efficiency
- Dead Time
- Gamma Well Counters
- Calibration of Well Counters
- Counting in Well Counters
- Effects of Sample Volume
- Thyroid Probe
- Thyroid Uptake Measurement
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Scintillation Detectors
- Chapter 9 Gamma Cameras
- Gamma Cameras
- Principles of Operation
- Detector
- Collimator
- Photomultiplier Tube
- X-,Y-Positioning Circuit
- Pulse-Height Analyzer
- Display and Storage
- Digital Cameras
- Solid State Digital Cameras
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Gamma Cameras
- Chapter 10 Performance Parameters of Gamma Cameras
- Spatial Resolution
- Intrinsic Resolution
- Collimator Resolution
- Scatter Resolution
- Evaluation of Spatial Resolution
- Bar Phantom
- Line-Spread Function
- Modular Transfer Function
- Sensitivity
- Collimator Efficiency
- Uniformity
- Pulse–Height Variation
- Nonlinearity
- Edge Packing
- Gamma Camera Tuning
- Effects of High Counting Rates
- Contrast
- Quality Control Tests for Gamma Cameras
- Daily Checks
- Weekly Checks
- Annual or As-Needed Checks
- Questions
- References and Suggested Readings
- Spatial Resolution
- Chapter 11 Digital Computers in Nuclear Medicine
- Basics of a Computer
- Central Processing Unit
- Computer Memory
- External Storage Devices
- Input/Output Devices
- Operation of a Computer
- Digitization of Analog Data
- Digital-to-Analog Conversion
- Digital Images
- Application of Computers in Nuclear Medicine
- Digital Data Acquisition
- Static Study
- Dynamic Study
- Gated Study
- Reconstruction of Images
- Superimposition and Subtraction of Images
- Display
- Software and DICOM
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Basics of a Computer
- Chapter 12 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
- Tomographic Imaging
- Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
- Data Acquisition
- Image Reconstruction
- Factors Affecting SPECT
- Performance of SPECT Cameras
- Spatial Resolution
- Sensitivity
- Other Parameters
- Quality Control Tests for SPECT Cameras
- Daily Tests
- Weekly Tests
- Quality Control Tests for CT Scanners
- Questions
- References and Suggested Readings
- Chapter 13 Position Emission Tomography
- Positron-Emitting Radionuclides
- Detector for PET
- PM Tubes and Pulse-Height Analyzers
- PET Scanners
- Block Detectors
- Coincidence Timing Window
- PET/CT Scanners
- Mobile PET or PET/CT
- Micro-PET
- Hybrid Gamma Cameras
- Data Acquisition
- Acquisition Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional Data
- Image Reconstruction
- Factors Affecting PET
- Normalization
- Photon Attenuation Correction
- Random Coincidences
- Scatter Coincidences
- Dead Time
- Radial Elongation
- Performance of PET Scanners
- Spatial Resolution
- Sensitivity
- Noise Equivalent Count Rate
- Quality Control Tests for PET Scanners
- Daily Tests
- Weekly Tests
- Questions
- References and Suggested Readings
- Chapter 14 Internal Radiation Dosimetry
- Radiation Units
- Dose Calculation
- Radiation Dose Rate
- Cumulative Radiation Dose
- Radiation Dose in SI Units
- Effective Dose Equivalent and Effective Dose
- Pediatric Dosages
- Questions
- Suggested Readings
- Chapter 15 Radiation Biology
- The Cell
- Effects of Radiation
- DNA Molecule
- Chromosome
- Direct and Indirect Actions of Radiation
- Radiosensitivity of Cells
- Cell Survival Curves
- Factors Affecting Radiosensitivity
- Dose Rate
- Linear Energy Transfer
- Chemicals
- Stage of Cell Cycle
- Classification of Radiation Damage
- Stochastic and Deterministic Effects
- Acute Effects of Total Body Irradiation
- Hemopoietic Syndrome
- Gastrointestinal Syndrome
- Cerebrovasculor Syndrome
- Long-Term Effects of Radiation
- Somatic Effects
- Genetic Effects
- Nuclear Medicine Risk Versus Benefit in Diagnostic Radiology and
- Risk to Pregnant Women
- Dirty Bombs
- Types of Radiation Exposure
- a Dirty Bomb Protective Measures in Case of Explosion of
- Types of Radiation Exposure
- Verification Card for Radioactive Patients
- Radiation Phobia
- Questions
- References and Suggested Readings
- Chapter 16 Radiation Regulations and Protection
- Sources of Radiation Exposure
- License
- Radiation Protection
- Definition of Terms
- Caution Signs and Labels
- Occupational Dose Limits
- ALARA Program
- Principles of Radiation Protection
- Personnel Monitoring
- Dos and Don’ts in Radiation Protection Practice
- Bioassay
- Receiving and Monitoring Radioactive Packages
- Radioactive Waste Disposal
- Radioactive Spill
- Recordkeeping
- Medical Uses of Radioactive Materials
- Applications, Amendments, and Notifications
- Authority and Responsibilities of the Licensee
- Supervision
- Mobile Nuclear Medicine Service
- Written Directives
- Measurement of Dosages
- Calibration, Transmission, and Reference Sources
- Requirement for Possession of Sealed Sources
- Labeling of Vials and Syringes
- Surveys of Ambient Radiation Exposure Rate
- Calibration of Survey Instruments
- By-Product Materials Training and Experience Requirements for Medical Uses of
- Report and Notification of a Medical Event
- Nursing Child Report and Notification of a Dose to an Embryo/Fetus or a
- Radiopharmaceuticals Release of Patients Administered with
- Recordkeeping
- Transportation of Radioactive Materials
- European Regulations Governing Radiopharmaceuticals
- Questions
- References and Suggested Readings
- Appendix A Units and Constants
- Appendix B Terms Used in Texts
- Appendix C Answers to Questions
- Index