Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1
Dose Calculation 217

The quantity 0.576NiEiis a constant and can be denoted by Dias in Eq.
(14.10). Thus

Di=0.576NiEi (14.24)
With this value of Di, Eqs. (14.11) to (14.18) are equally applicable to radi-
ation doses in SI units. It should be understood that the equations in SI
units contain a constant Di=0.576NiEiand activities expressed in MBq,
whereas the equations in rad units contain the equilibrium dose constant
Di=2.13NiEiand activities expressed in microcuries. Also note that A
should be equal to f·Ao, if Aois the initial administered activity.
Table 14.4 presents radiation absorbed doses from various radiopharma-
ceuticals to different organs in adults. All values have been obtained from
package inserts except those noted by footnotes.

Table14.4. Radiation absorbed doses in adults for various radiopharmaceuticals.
Radiopharmaceuticals Organ rad/mCi mGy/GBq
99mTc-pertechnetate Thyroid 0.130 35.1
Upper large intestine 0.120 32.4
Lower large intestine 0.110 30.0
Stomach 0.051 13.8
Ovaries 0.030 8.1
Testes 0.009 2.4
99mTc-sulfur colloid Liver 0.335 91.2
Spleen 0.210 57.4
Red marrow 0.028 7.4
99mTc-DTPA Bladder wall (2 hr void) 0.115 31.1
Kidneys 0.090 24.3
Gonads 0.011 3.0
99mTc-MAA Lungs 0.220 59.5
Kidneys 0.011 3.0
Liver 0.018 4.9
Ovaries 0.008 2.2
Testes 0.006 1.6
99mTc-MDP Bone 0.035 9.5
Bladder wall 0.130 35.1
Kidneys 0.040 10.8
Red marrow 0.026 7.0
Ovaries 0.012 3.2
Testes 0.008 2.1
99mTc-sestamibi (Cardiolite) Gall bladder 0.067 18.1
Upper large intestine 0.100 27.0
Lower large intestine 0.180 48.6
Heart (wall) 0.017 4.6
Kidneys 0.067 18.1
Ovaries 0.053 14.3
Bladder wall 0.140 37.8

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