Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

316 Index

Positron emission tomography (PET)
random coincidences, 199
scatter coincidences, 200
sensitivity, 204
sinogram, 192
spatial resolution, 201–204
Potentially lethal dose in radiation
biology, 245–246
Preamplifiers, 87
Precision, 34, 306
Predictive value, 42
Preimplantation stage, effects of
radiation, 255
Prodromal stage, 247
Propagation of errors, 37–39
Proportional counters, 73
Protons, 3, 6
atomic number, 6
properties of, 3
Pulse height analyzers (PHA), 87–88
discriminator settings, 88
gamma cameras, 114
liquid scintillation counter, 93
multichannel, 88
single channel, 88
Pulse pileup, 99

Quality control tests
CT scanners, 179–180
dose calibrators, 75–77
gamma cameras, 133–136
extrinsic method, 134
intrinsic method, 134
PET, 205–206
positioning of photopeak, 134–135
SPECT, 178–179
uniformity, 135–136
Quality factor (QF), 210, 306
Quantum number, 3–4
in GM counters, 77–78
in liquid scintillation counting, 94

R (roentgen), 208

(^82) Rb (rubidium-82), 48
Rad, 208, 306
definition of, 1
electromagnetic, 2
genetic effects of, 256–258
ionizing, 56
nonpenetrating, 56
particulate, 2
penetrating, 56
somatic effects of, 249–256
Radiation area
high, 272
very high, 272
Radiation damage to embryo and
fetus, 255–256
Radiation damage to reproductive
organs, 254
Radiation damage to skin, 253–254
Radiation detectors,seeDetectors
Radiation dose,seeInternal radiation
Radiation dosimetry, internal,see
Internal radiation dosimetry
Radiation effects
acute, 247–249
carcinogenesis, 249–253
cataractogenesis, 255
cell survival curves, 238
cerebrovascular syndrome,
chemicals, effects of, 242–245
chromosome aberration, 231
differentiated cells and, 237
direct action, 235–237
dose rate and, 241
doubling dose, 256–257
gastrointestinal syndrome, 248
genetic effects, 256–258
genetically significant dose, 257–258
hemopoietic syndrome, 247–248
indirect action, 235–237
in utero, 255
linear energy transfer and, 242
long-term, 249–258
oxygen effect, 242–244
radioprotectors, 244–245
radiosensitizers, 242–244
somatic effects, 249–256
spontaneous mutation, 256
stage of cell cycle, 245

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