detailed calculations are not shown; rather we use plots of the impulse re-
sponses to convey the broad intuition.
We begin in figure 14.1 by investigating the effects of changing the mo-
mentum traders’ horizon j. We hold the information-diffusion parameter z
fixed at 12 months, and set the standard deviation of the fundamental ε
shocks equal to 0.5 per month. Finally, we assume that the aggregate risk
tolerance of the momentum traders, γ, equals 1/3.^15 We then experiment
with values of jranging from 6 to 18 months. As a baseline, focus first on
the case where j=12 months. Consistent with Proposition 1, the impulse
response function peaks 12 months after an εshock, reaching a value of
1.342. In other words, at the peak, prices overshoot the change in long-run
fundamentals by 34.2 percent. After the peak, prices eventually converge
back to 1.00, although not in a monotonic fashion—rather, there are a se-
ries of damped oscillations as the momentum-trading effects gradually
wring themselves out.
Now ask what happens as jis varied. As can be seen from the figure, the
effects on the impulse response function are nonmonotonic. For example,