be positive in a setting where the extremum in the impulse response func-
tion is sufficiently smooth, because the negative autocovariance of price
changes surrounding a smooth extremum will be low in absolute terms. Such
a setting, based on biased self-attribution and outcome-dependent confi-
dence, is considered in section 3.
Since overconfidence causes wider swings at date 1 away from funda-
mentals, it causes excess price volatility around private signals (var(P 1 −P 0 ))
as in Odean (1998). Greater overconfidence also causes relative underweigh-
ing of the public signal, which tends to reduce date 2 variance. However,
the wide date 1 swings create a greater need for corrective price moves at
dates 2 and 3, so that greater overconfidence can either decrease or increase
the volatility around public signals (var(P 2 −P 1 )). (Explicit expressions for
the variances of this section are contained in appendix A.)
Consider again an econometrician who does not condition on the occur-
rence of private or public news arrival. He will calculate price change vari-
ances by placing equal weights on price changes P 1 −P 0 , P 2 −P 1 , and P 3 −P 2.
The unconditional volatility is therefore just the arithmetic mean of var
(P 3 −P 2 ), var(P 2 −P 1 ), and var(P 1 −P 0 ). Excess volatility is the difference
between the volatility with overconfidence and the volatility when σC^2 =σ^2 .
Let the subscript Rdenote the volatility if all individuals were rational.
We define the date tproportional excess volatility as
Proposition 3
- Overconfidence increases volatility around private signals, can
increase or decrease volatility around public signals, and in-
creases unconditional volatility. - The proportional excess volatility is greater around the private
signal than around the public signal.
Thus, consistent with the findings of Odean (1998), when there are only pri-
vate signals, there is a general tendency for overconfidence to create excess
volatility. Excess volatility is not an automatic implication of any model with
imperfect rationality. For example, if investors are underconfident, σC^2 >σ^2 ,
then there will be insufficientvolatility relative to the rational level. Also, in
contrast with Odean, Proposition 3 implies that in samples broken down by
types of news event, either excess or deficient volatility may be possible.
B. 3 event study implications
Many recent studies have investigated abnormal average return performance
or “drift” following public news arrival. As mentioned in the introduction, a
striking regularity in virtually all these studies is that average postevent
t PP
E tt Rtt
Rt t
−− −
var( ) var ( )
var ( )