of Economic Research and the Japan–U.S. Center (NYU), and sits on the ed-
itorial boards of eight professional journals. He serves as a Group Insurance
Commissioner (State of Massachusetts), as a trustee of the Commonwealth
School, and has been the director of a number of high technology compa-
nies. He is a member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the American
Enterprise Institute, and the Behavioral Economics Roundtable of the Rus-
sell Sage Foundation. He has won numerous contract bridge championships
at the regional and national levels. In pairs competition, he won the 1966
United States championship, and was a finalist in the 1998 World Bridge
Federation championship. Often working with others, Professor Zeckhauser
has authored 180 articles, three books and eight edited books. His most re-
cent edited books are Principals and Agents: The Structure of Business
(1985), American Society: Public and Private Responsibilities(1986), Priva-
tization and State-Owned Enterprises: Lessons from the United States,
Great Britain, and Canada(1989), Strategy and Choice(1991), and Wise
Choices: Games, Decisions, and Negotiations(1996). The challenges of cre-
ating appropriate commitments and making effective decisions under uncer-
tainty, motivate his major ongoing research projects. His current major
studies address early admissions to colleges, trust on the Internet, and the in-
tricate game between stock market analysts and the stock market.