
(C. Jardin) #1

No, in Ultimate Reality there are not. When I converse with you here, I most often use terms
consistent with your illusion. If I always spoke to you in terms consistent with ultimate reality,
we could not have any conversation at all. You could not understand. It is very challenging to
you when I do so even occasionally.

The difficulty is that you do not have words for most of what there is to convey, and of that for
which you do have words, you do not have a context within which to place them. This is the
difficulty with much spiritual and esoteric writing. They are attempts to convey truth about ulti-
mate reality with limited words, taken out of context.

That must be why so much spiritual writing and sacred scripture has been misinterpreted.

You’re right.

So within the context of my understanding, what did You mean when you said that Your
having my help “makes things easier”?

I meant that it makes things easier for you.

Oh. I thought you meant that it makes things easier for You.

In a sense I did, and it does. But, you see, here’s where we get into that “context” thing again.
I am crossing over into the context of Ultimate Reality when I say things like that. In Ultimate
Reality, what helps you, helps Me, because in Ultimate Reality, you and I are One. There is
no separation between us. Yet within the separation paradigm in which you live, within the
illusion you are experiencing, such a statement has no meaning.

Throughout this dialogue I have had to do that kind of crossing over, moving from one
context to another, in order to explain things that cannot be explained simply by staying
within the framework of your own Earthly experience.

Thus, it is a challenge for you to grok in fullness, as wonderful Robert Heinlein would put it,
what I mean when I say “help God.”

Most people can’t even grok in fullness what “grok in fullness” means!

Well, exactly. That’s the problem, right there. You grok it in fullness.

Why don’t we just say, then, that it makes things easier for Us when I help God? But now, tell
me, how does it make things easier?

In order for you to understand that, you have to understand what God is trying to do. You
have to understand what I am up to.

I think I do. You are re-creating Yourself anew in every single moment of Now You are doing
this in the next grandest version of the greatest vision You ever held about Who You Are.
And You are doing this in, as, and through us. In that sense, we are You. We are members of
the body of God. We are God, “Godding.”

You have remembered well, My friend. Once again, We begin to speak with one voice. This
is good, for you shall be one of many messengers; not only a seeker of the Light, but a
bringer of the Light.

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