
(C. Jardin) #1

I should give my best energies, my highest thoughts, to things I hate? Like war? Violence?
Greed? People who are unkind? Policies that are inhumane? I don’t understand. I can’t give
these things my “blessing.”

But it is precisely your best energies and your highest thoughts which those things need if
they are to be changed.

Do you not understand? You change nothing by condemning it. Indeed, you literally condemn
it to be repeated.

I am not to condemn wanton killing, rampant prejudice, widespread violence, unchecked

You are to condemn nothing.


Nothing. Have I not sent My teachers to tell you, “Judge not, and neither condemn”?

Yet if we condemn nothing, we seem to be approving of everything.

Failure to condemn does not mean failure to seek change. Because you have not
condemned something does not mean that you approve of it. It simply means that you refuse
to judge it. You may still, on the other hand, choose something else.

A choice to change does not always have to come out of anger. In fact, your chances of
affecting very real change rise in direct proportion to the decrease in your anger.
Humans often use anger as their justification to seek change, and judgments as their
justification for anger. You have created a lot of drama around this, perceiving injury in order
to justify your judgments.

Many of you end your relationships this way. You have not learned the art of simply saying, “I
am complete. The present form of this relationship no longer serves me.” You insist on first
perceiving injury, then moving into judgment, then coming from anger in order to somehow
justify the change you seek to make. It is as if, without anger, you cannot have what you
want; you cannot change what you don’t like. So you build up all sorts of drama around it.
Now I tell you this: bless, bless, bless your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.
Send them your best energies, and your highest thoughts.
You will not be able to do this unless you see every person and every life circumstance as a
gift; as an angel, and a miracle. When you do, you will move into the fullness of gratitude.
You will be totally grateful—the Fifth Attitude of God—and the circle will be complete.

This is an important element, this feeling of gratitude, isn’t it?

Yes. Gratitude is the attitude that changes everything. To be grateful for something is to stop
resisting it, to see it and acknowledge it as a gift, even when the gift is not immediately
In addition, as you have already been taught, gratitude for an experience, condition, or
outcome in advance is a powerful tool in the creation of your reality, and a sure sign of

It is so powerful that I think the Fifth Attitude should almost have been listed first.

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