
(C. Jardin) #1

Yet even as you ponder this, there is guidance, there is insight, there is wisdom that has
been given to you to help you—not to do what is right, because “right” is a relative term, but
to get to where you say you want to go; to do what you say you want to do.
As I have noted before, as a human race, as a species, you say that you want to live together
in peace and harmony; you want to create a better life for your children; you want to be
happy. If on nothing else, on this all of you can agree.
And so, this guidance has been given you, and it comes in the form of The Three Points.
These are, again:
(1) We are all One; (2) There’s enough; and (3) There’s nothing we have to do.
The First Point, which we have been discussing at length here, may be more readily and
easily applied when the Second and Third are understood.

And I want to keep looking at the application of this wisdom, at how to make it practical in
everyday life, so let’s get to those other points.



At the end of the Conversations with God trilogy, You made those same Three Points.

Yes, and if you understand the Second Point, There’s Enough, you will have given yourself a
big clue on how you may apply the First Point, We are all One, if you choose.

What does there’s enough mean?

Exactly what it says. There’s Enough. There’s enough of everything you think you need to be
happy. There’s enough time, there’s enough money, there’s enough food, there’s enough
love... all you have to do is share it. I have given you plenty. There’s enough for all of you.
When you live this truth, when you make it a functional part of your reality, there is nothing
you are unwilling to share, nothing you seek to hoard—certainly not love, or food, or money.

Does that mean we ought not to gather wealth?

There is a difference between choosing to have something and choosing to hoard it. In fact,
only when you know the truth that “there’s enough” can you easily have any of the good
things in life that you, yourself, would choose.

That’s true! It was only when I finally got that there is enough for everybody that I could give
myself permission to believe that there was enough for me. Still, I had to go on faith, because
it doesn’t look like there’s enough for everybody.

Judge not by appearances. The reason it does not look as though there is enough for
everybody is that so many people who have more than enough are sharing only the smallest
part of what they have with those who have less.

A tiny percentage of your world’s people holds a massive share of your world’s wealth, and
uses a colossal share of your world’s resources. These holdings are wildly disproportionate—
and the disproportion is growing larger, not smaller, every day.

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