
(C. Jardin) #1

That is very good. You are growing in your understanding of what it is to have integrity,
Integrity is important to all systems, If the integrity of any system is faulty, the system itself
will collapse. No matter how sophisticated the construction, it cannot hold anything up if its
integrity is compromised. Given where you say you wish to go in your life, this is good.

Yet what else have you learned?

Uh, I don’t know. Is there something in particular that you’re driving at?

I was hoping you had also learned something about victimhood. I was hoping you’d
remembered the truth—that there are no victims and there are no villains.

Oh, that.

Yes, that. Why don’t you tell Me all you know about that? You are the teacher now, you are
the messenger.

There is no such thing as a victim or a villain. There are no such things as the “good guys”
and the “bad guys.” God created nothing but Perfection. Every soul is perfect, pure, and
beautiful. In the state of forgetfulness in which they reside here on Earth, God’s perfect
beings may do imperfect things—or what we would call imperfect things—yet everything that
occurs in life occurs for a perfect reason. There is no such thing as a mistake in God’s world,
and nothing happens by chance. Nor does any person come to You without a gift for You in
his hands.

Excellent. That is very good.

Yet that’s a hard one for many people. I know You made it all very clear in the Conversations
with God trilogy, but some people are still having a hard time with that.

All things become clear in time. Those who seek a deeper understanding of this truth will find

Reading The Little Soul and the Sun will definitely help, as will rereading the trilogy.

Yes, and a number of people would do well to do that,

judging from your mail.

Wait a minute! You’ve seen my mail?


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