
(C. Jardin) #1

Say, not bad. Not bad at all.

Well, I think it’s important that we stay light-hearted here. I’ve spent years mired in guilt, and
some people seem to think you should hang onto guilt forever. But guilt and regret are not
the same thing. Because I’ve stopped feeling guilty about something does not mean I no
longer regret it. Regret can be instructive, while guilt is only debilitating.

You are exactly right. That is well said.

‘When we’re free of guilt, we can move forward, as You put it, with our lives. We can make
something worthwhile out of them.

Then we can make friends with ourselves again—and then we can make friends with You.

You can, indeed. You’ll make friends with your Self again, you’ll fall in love with your Self,
when you know and at last acknowledge Who You Really Are.

And when you know your Self, you’ll know Me.

And step one in having a real, a working, friendship with God is complete.


I wish it were as simple as you make it sound.

It is. Trust Me.



That’s Step Two, isn’t it?

That’s Step Two, and it’s huge.

It is huge, because I don’t know if I can trust You.

Thank you for your honesty.

I’m really sorry.

Don’t be sorry. Never be sorry for honesty.

I’m not sorry for what I said. I’m sorry if it hurt You.

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