
(C. Jardin) #1

Man, that’s crazy-making! How can I possibly know what to expect if I’m creating my reality at
levels of consciousness that I’m not even in touch with?

You can’t. That’s why it is said, “Live your life without expectations.” That is also why you
have been told, in every circumstance and situation, and in the face of any result or outcome,
to “see the perfection.”

You did say both of those things in Conversations with God

And now, so that you may understand more fully, let us talk briefly about the Three Levels of
Experience—super-conscious, conscious, and subconscious.

The superconscious level is the place of experience at which you know about, and create,
your reality with full awareness of what you are doing. This is the soul level. Most of you are
not aware at a conscious level of your superconscious intentions—unless you are.

The conscious level is the place of experience at which you know about, and create, your
reality with some awareness of what you are doing. How much of what you are aware of
depends upon your “level of consciousness.” This is the physical level. When you are
committed to the spiritual path, you move through life ever seeking to elevate your
consciousness, or to enlarge the experience of your physical reality to include and
encompass a larger reality that you know exists.

The subconscious level is the place of experience at which you do not know about, or
consciously create, your reality. You do so subconsciously—that is, with very little awareness
that you are even doing this, much less why. This is not a bad level of experience, so do not
judge it. It is a gift, because it allows you to do things automatically, such as grow your hair,
or blink your eyes, or beat your heart—or create an instant solution to a problem. Yet if you
are unaware of what parts of your life you have chosen to create automatically, you might
imagine yourself to be at the “effect” of life, rather than at cause in the matter. You could
even see yourself as a victim. Therefore, it is important to be aware of what you have chosen
to be unaware of.

Later, toward the end of this dialogue, I will speak to you again of awareness, and the
differing levels of awareness which produce the experience that some of you call

Is there a way to set the same intentions on the conscious, superconscious, and
subconscious levels at the same time?

Yes. This three-in-one level of consciousness might be called supra-consciousness. Some of
you also call it “Christ consciousness,” or “elevated consciousness.” It is Fully Integrated

When you are in this place, you are fully creative. All three levels of consciousness have
become one. You are said to “have it all together.” But it is really more than that, because in
this, as in all things, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

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