
(C. Jardin) #1

Your subconscious thought was to flee, to get out of there. Your superconscious thought was
to find out more, at the conscious level, about racial attitudes and about intolerance, including
your own. You obeyed all of these impulses at once.

And You, as my soul’s friend, will always make it possible for me to do that?

Yes. I will place the tools in your hands with which you may fashion the experience of your
choosing, that you might come to higher and higher levels of consciousness. You may
choose to use those tools, or not to use them.

What would cause me to do one or the other?

How aware you are about why that which is occurring in your life right now is occurring.

Later, I will talk to you about levels of awareness, and levels within levels.

It seems that I was always a lot more conscious about things after they happened than while
they were happening. I see now, clearly, why what happened next in my life occurred, but at
the time, I was cursing You.

That is not uncommon.

I know, but now I feel bad about it, because I see two things that I couldn’t see then. First, I
see that what happened was something that I called forth, and second, I see that it was for
my own highest good.

Given where you say you wanted to go in your experience.

Yes, given where I say I wanted to go. I see now that I have always been choosing to be a
teacher, a raiser of consciousness among people, and that my whole life has been a
preparation for that.

That is very true.

But I was angry with You about things that I, myself, created. I didn’t understand that You
were simply giving me the tools—the right and perfect people, places, and events—to
prepare myself for the experience of my choosing.

That’s all right, don’t worry about it. As I said, it’s common. Now you know. So now, just stop
being angry about your life—about anything in your life. See it all as perfect.

Do you think I can?

Do you think you can?

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