The Design of Highway Intersections 147
Example 5.9 – Calculation of time-and-distance diagram
Three two-phase signalised intersections are spaced 400 m apart. The main
axis of flow is in the north/south direction. Details of the actual and satura-
tion flows at each of the junctions are given in Table 5.9. The starting delays
are taken as 2 seconds per green period, the amber period is 3 seconds in all
cases and the period during which all lights show red during a change of
phase is 2 seconds.
Locate the critical intersection, calculate the minimum and maximum
actual green times and outline the construction of the time-distance diagram
indicating how vehicles will progress along the main axis of flow.
The junction is illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 5.33.
Intergreen period =10 seconds (5 seconds per phase, 3 s amber +2s red)
Lost time =8 seconds in total per cycle (4 seconds per phase, 2 s starting and
2s during intergreen)
Firstly the optimum cycle time for each intersection must be calculated
applying Equation 5.34 to the three sets of data in Table 5.9:
Co=(1.5L+5) ∏(1 -Sycrit)
Values ofycritfor each intersection in the network are indicated in Table 5.9.
Intersection Approach Actual flow Saturation flow yycrit
(vehicles/hour) (vehicles/hour)
A1 North 800 3200 0.250
South 1200 3200 0.375 0.375
East 800 1800 0.444
West 500 1550 0.323 0.444
A2 North 1100 3200 0.344
South 1160 3200 0.363 0.363
East 1020 2150 0.474
West 525 1800 0.291 0.474
A3 North 800 3200 0.250
South 1000 3200 0.313 0.313
East 800 1800 0.444
West 400 1800 0.222 0.444
Table 5.9Critical ratios for each intersection in the network
Based on the critical ratios in Table 5.9, the optimum cycle time for each
intersection can be computed as: