Highway Engineering

(Nandana) #1
Chapter 2 deals in detail with the classic four-stage model used to determine
the volume of flow on each link of a new or upgraded highway network. The
process of scheme appraisal is dealt with in Chapter 3, outlining in detail
methodologies for both economic and environmental assessment and illustrat-
ing the format within which both these evaluations can be analysed. Chapter 4
demonstrates how the twin factors of predicted traffic volume and level of
service to be provided by the proposed roadway determine the physical size and
number of lanes provided. Chapter 5 details the basic design procedures for the
three different types of highway intersections – priority junctions, roundabouts
and signalised intersections. The fundamental principles of geometric design,
including the determination of both vertical and horizontal alignments, are
given in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 summarises the basic materials which comprise
road pavements, both flexible and rigid, and outlines their structural properties,
with Chapter 8 addressing details of their design and Chapter 9 dealing with
their maintenance.

1.7 References,

Coburn, T.M., Beesley, M.E. & Reynolds, D.J. (1960) The London-Birmingham Motor-
way: Traffic and Economics.Technical Paper No. 46. Road Research Laboratory,
Council of the European Communities (1985) On the assessment of the effects of certain
public and private projects on the environment.Official Journal L175, 28.5.85, 40–48
DoT (1982) Department of Transport COBA: A method of economic appraisal of highway
schemes.The Stationery Office, London.
Dupuit, J. (1844) On the measurement of utility of public works.International Economic
Papers,Volume 2.
Flowerdew, A.D.J. (1972) Choosing a site for the third London airport: The Roskill
Commission approach. In R. Layard (ed.) Cost-Benefit Analysis.Penguin, London.
US Federal Interagency River Basin Committee (1950) Subcommittee on Benefits and
Costs.Proposed Practices for Economic Analysis of River Basin Projects.Washington

14 Highway Engineering

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