Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

are exactly the same genes we carry in each of
us today (with a few minor variations you got from
your parents).

Our challenge, then, is to figure out what best
prompts the kind of gene expression that will give us
that supreme fitness and the lean, strong, healthy,
productive body we all seek and deserve. But we
also want to do it in the context of a comfortable
21st century existence, with the least amount of
pain, suffering and sacrifice necessary. Better yet,
why not reframe fitness in the more positive terms
of joy, ease, contentment and pleasure? There’s
no reason achieving supreme fitness has to have
any negative connotations at all.

The intent of Primal Blueprint Fitness is simply to
streamline the workout process with all the short-
cuts possible, so we can focus on the things that
really matter—playing, relaxation, leisure, and
time with family and friends. But before plotting
our strategy, there are three more relevant ques-
tions we can ask before proceeding:

Survival of the Fittest. Literally. cont’d 18

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