Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1


Rowing machines in the gym offer an effective full-
body workout, but it’s easy to exceed 75 percent
when you get into the rhythm. Take it easy or try
the rowing machine for a no impact sprint workout.
Real, actual rowing in a rowboat, on a kayak or
canoe is a nice relaxing workout which you can
easily conduct at a moderate pace.


Swimming is the ultimate joint-sparing total body
workout. Explore all four strokes, or even try random
leg and arm patterns to tread water. Because you
are weightless and constantly temperate-cooled,
it’s more difficult to elevate your heart rate into
Chronic Cardio zone land when swimming than it
is on land. This means you can enjoy the sensa-
tion of a more vigorous workout while maintaining
the proper metabolic stimulation (fat burning, mini-
mal stress response). Check your pulse at the wall
with a second hand to be sure you are at or below
the 75 percent level during these sessions.

Not everyone has easy daily access to wilder-
ness, sprawling parkland, or even safe sidewalks
and weather conditions for walking. If you can’t
make it outside, feel free to use a treadmill, ellipti-
cal machine, stairclimber or other machine to get
in some comfortably-paced exercise.

Whichever method of activity you choose, try
to accumulate three to five hours each week of
moving frequently at a slow pace. Remember,
little things add up to big lifestyle change. Take the
stairs instead of the elevator, or parking at the fur-
thest spot in the shopping center instead of cruis-
ing for the closest are examples of excellent habit
patterns that increase daily movement and have
a discernable impact on your overall fitness and

Of course, going over five hours is perfectly fine,
and even recommended if you can manage it, but
three hours is the bare minimum. If you’ve got
a busy week ahead, try to knock all three hours
out in one fell swoop. Go for a vigorous, all day
hike, or get up a little early and go on a long walk.
Spread it out over all seven days, or compress it
into one—everything counts. What’s important is
that you move.

Suggested Exercises cont’d 29

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