Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

The distinctive feature of Primal Blueprint Fit-
ness is the emphasis on bodyweight resistance
exercises. PBF makes strength training simple,
safe, cheap, time efficient and always acces-
sible (unless you’re living on the Space Shuttle
I guess...). Bodyweight resistance workouts are
the ultimate Primal and functional way to exer-
cise. They are infinitely scalable—they can be
as easy or as difficult as you can imagine. For
hardcore folks that don’t believe that bodyweight
exercises can be difficult enough, try doing a set
of muscle ups, one-arm handstand pushups and
one-arm pullups. Not so easy, is it? Since you
are not introducing any outside resistance that
could overwhelm you, bodyweight is the safest
way to train, easy on the sensitive joints and soft
tissue that is often injured in the gym, even under
expert supervision. Since by definition all body-
weight training is functional, you’ll develop the
esteemed physique sported by Olympic decath-
letes or gymnasts—lean, naturally proportioned,
muscular, but without the hypertrophy or often
embarrassing asymmetry often seen strutting
around the gym.

Chapter 3: Lift Heavy Things cont’d 31

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