Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1


Watch kids at play. They squat effortlessly. It’s
second nature. And for many modern hunter-
gatherers, the squat represents the default rest-
ing position. Some call it the “third world squat.”
Most adults in developed countries, meanwhile,
bend (incorrectly I might add, compromising the
spinal discs) to pick stuff up. Instead of squatting
down to rest, we look for a chair. Is it any wonder
why many of us have no mobility when it comes to
squatting? If it’s not the hips, it’s the knees. If it’s
not the ankles, it’s the back. It doesn’t help when
most doctors advise against the squat, especially
full, lower than parallel squats, because they’re
“bad for the knees.” A full squat, performed with
proper technique, is perfectly safe and supports
knee health. We have generally forgotten how to
squat properly, but Primal Blueprint Fitness will
develop this lost, essential skill.

You don’t need to perform heavy back squats—I
just want you to gain the mobility and strength nec-
essary to perform a full bodyweight squat. Adding
massive amounts of weight to a barbell squat will
develop strength, power, and good amounts of
muscle fiber, but it isn’t necessary for PBF. You will,
however, have a firm grasp of proper squat form
should you decide to up the ante in the future.

The Five Essential Movements cont’d

The overhead press remains one of the best func-
tional strength-building exercises you can do, but
not everyone has access to, or wants to use, a
barbell. Luckily, by progressing through a series
of semi-to-fully inverted pushups, you can gain
the benefits of overhead pressing without need-
ing equipment. All you’ll need is a bench and, for
those that venture into advanced territory, a wall...
or impeccable balance.


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