Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

The answer, quite simply, is to get out there and
play. Play with your kids. Round up some buddies
for a game of football, Ultimate Frisbee (my per-
sonal favorite), or basketball. Learn to surf, skate,
or rock climb. Play with your dog. Heck, lift some
weights or go for a run if that’s truly your idea of a
good time. The PBF WOWs offer all kinds of cre-
ative playful routines from members of the Mark’s
Daily Apple community. Just tap into that childhood
exuberance residing within. It’s still there, believe
me. You just have to give it a chance. If you want
to get others involved, all it usually takes is some-
one getting off their butt to start a game or toss a
Frisbee or propose a hike. Be the one to initiate!

As you improve your fitness, you’ll find that physi-
cal play becomes more and more attractive and
natural. Play, ultimately, is about unwinding from
stress and enjoying life. It’s anything and every-
thing that takes the edge off. And by streamlining
your workouts and making the most of your time
spent training, you get to make the most of your
life outside the gym, too. Don’t let PBF turn into a
hardcore, grueling, torturous regimen; instead, let
it enable your overall enjoyment of life.

Train to play.

Play cont’d 77

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