Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

PBF is designed to counteract any potential cor-
tisol problems. You’ll be working your butt off, but
you’ll do it for short bursts. No two hour gym ses-
sions here. You’ll be Lifting Heavy Things (your
twice weekly bodyweight routine) to stimulate
testosterone and growth hormone, both of which
combat cortisol’s muscle-wasting, fat-storing pro-
clivities; you’ll be avoiding Chronic Cardio style
endurance training, which eats away at muscle,
stimulates cortisol, and reverses the testosterone-
cortisol ratio, in favor of Moving Frequently at a
Slow Pace, which is neutral, and Sprinting Once
in a While, which promotes testosterone and mini-
mizes cortisol. Taken as a whole, PBF will have you
exercising smartly and efficiently, getting plenty of
rest and relaxation for recovery, promoting posi-
tive levels of anabolic hormones, and playing like
a kid again.

PBF gives you four optional days each week.
You can use these to move slowly, play, try the
Workout of the Week, or take a load off and rest
and recover.

Rest cont’d 80

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