Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

form of a manuscript for
publication in a scientific
journal. Link to UNCW
Learning Goal: thoughtful
expression, information
literacy, critical thinking,

quality of the thesis with a

members. Data on the
quality of the writing,
mastery of the research,
and likelihood of being
published in a peer-review
journal are collected.
Department moved to
online forms in 2010- 2011
to improve faculty

performing at levels below
the only other year in which
we have data (2009). Thesis
quality was judged at 78%
(fraction of students
performing at level 4 or
above), mastery of research
was 67%, and likelihood of
publication was 78%. No
data were available for
2010 - 2011. In 2009, faculty
judged thesis quality as
quite good, with 88% of
students at level 4 or 5 in
thesis quality, 90% for
mastery of research, and
83% for likelihood of

some attention. Given the
small sample size for this
SLO, the Graduate
Assessment Coordinator
recommended that we
carefully monitor
performance for another
year before evaluating
whether any programmatic
changes are warranted. The
faculty discussed the results
of assessment to date at the
2012 retreat and decided to
adopt that suggestion.

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Educational Program Assessment Plan and Report
(PhD Program, Biology & Marine Biology –October 2012)
Assessment Plan Report for 2011-2012 (July 1 to June 30)

Primary Contact Name/Info: Heather Koopman, Biology & Marine Biology, [email protected]

Program Outcome
UNCW Strategic Goal

Tools Implementation Summary of Findings Actions Taken

PO 1: Graduation of PhD
students within 5-6 years.
Links to UNCW Strategic
Goal #1: Create the most
powerful learning
experience possible for our

Several tools are used for
the assessment process of
this PO:

  • solicitation of information
    from alumni

  • meetings with graduate
    students and surveys of
    graduate student needs

  • review of programs at

The Graduate Advisory
Committee (GAC) and the
Graduate coordinator are
largely responsible for
gathering this information.
Student members of the
GAC are important conduits
of information from the
student body to the GAC.

Based on 13 graduates in
the program as of August
2012, PhD students are
taking 4.5 years to graduate,
well within our expectation.
Financial concerns have
previously been identified
as a significant concern for
time to graduate. Based on

In previous years,the
Graduate School has
worked to incrementally
increase TA salaries. The
PhD core curriculum was
revised to be more flexible.
The progression from the
M.S. program to the PhD
program was made easier
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