Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
characteristics to stormwater and receiving water observational data.” Water Resources Research
Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
381. Cahoon, L.B. Our “fragile” coast? American Association of University Women,
March 8, 2014.
380. Alphin, T., Cahoon, L.B., Posey, M.H., and Markwith, A. The eastern oyster
(Crassostrea virginica) as a modifier of epizooic microalgal biomass: the influence of oyster reef
characteristics and associated particulates. Southeast Tidal Creeks Summit, Dec. 16-17, 2013.
379. Robuck, A., M.A. Mallin, L.B. Cahoon and M.R. McIver. 2013. “The impacts of
urban and suburban stormwater runoff on selected metabolic processes within southeastern North
Carolina tidal creeks.” Southeastern Tidal Creeks Summit, Wilmington, N.C.
378. Bohrer, L.E., M.A. Mallin, M.R. McIver and L.B. Cahoon. 2013. “Productivity
and respiration in three North Carolina oligohaline tidal creeks.” Southeastern Tidal Creeks
Summit, Wilmington, N.C.
377. Cahoon, L.B., T. Lankford, and T.D. Alphin. Ocean Beaches: Nourishment effects
and ecosystem roles. N.C. Beaches, Inlets and waterways Association meeting, Nov. 18, 2013.
376. Robuck, A., M.A. Mallin, M.R. McIver and L.B. Cahoon. 2013. The impacts of
urban, suburban and rural stormwater runoff on selected metabolic processes within southeastern
North Carolina tidal creeks. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Nov. 2013.
375. Cahoon, L.B. Sea Level Rise. UNCW Student Chapter of The Coastal Society, Sept.
4, 2013.
374. Cahoon, L.B. A God’s Eye View... NC Interfaith Power and Light, July 13, 2013.
373. Cahoon, L.B. Sea Level rise: Complex science and challenging policy options.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, May 2, 2013.
372. Bohrer, L.E., M.A. Mallin, M.R. McIver and L.B. Cahoon. 2013. “Primary
productivity and respiration in fresh-to-oligohaline tidal creeks”, Meeting of the Southeastern
Estuarine Research Society, Charleston, S.C. April 9, 2013.
371. Huffman, D., E. Udvare, and L.B. Cahoon. Phosphate pollution leading to blue-
green algae blooms in the Cape Fear River. UNC WRRI conference. March 20, 2013.
370. Roman, M. and L.B. Cahoon. Composition and distribution of phosphorus forms in
sediments of Greenfield Lake. UNC WRRI conference, March 20, 2013. 3rd place winner.
369. Cahoon, LB. A God’s eye view of the southeastern NC environment. Cape Fear
Sierra Club, March 18, 2013.
368. Cahoon, LB. A God’s eye view of the southeastern NC environment. Church of the
Servant Adult Education class, Feb. 17, 2013.