Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Assistant Chair, undergraduate studies; 1994 – 1997
Editor, Departmental Newsletter; 1994 – 1997
Editor, Departmental Undergraduate Brochure; 1994 - 1997
Long Range Planning Committee, chair; 1994 – 1997
Presented lecture on “DNA Fingerprinting” to the BIO 110 Enrichment Sessions, UNCW; 1997.
Scholarship Committee, chair; 1994 – 1997; member 1998 - 1999
Experiential Learning Committee; 1996 - 1997
Peer Evaluation Committee for Dr. Laela Sayigh; 1996 - 1997
Peer Evaluation Committee for Dr. Jon Geller; 1995 - 1996
Faculty Recording Secretary; 1989 - 1994
Search Committee for Marine Cordate Immunologist; 1994
Curriculum Committee; 1998 – 1999, 1992 – 1994, 1988 – 1989
Scholarship Committee; 1991 - 1992
Representative to Faculty Senate; 1989 - 1991
Library Journals Committee; 1984 - 1988
Summer School Committee; 2000, 1998, 1989, 1986
Library Committee for the Graduate Program in Biology; 1986

Research Grants and Fellowships

Faculty Research and Development Fund, UNCW. "The genetics of adaptation and reproductive isolation
in Drosophila;" 1985

North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Visiting Industrial Scientists and Engineers in Biotechnology at
North Carolina Universities Program, with Dr. R. K. Sizemore and Dr. S. K. Burgess; 1985

Research Assistantship, with Dr. J. R. Powell, Yale University; 1983 - 1984

National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Grant; 1979 - 1983

Memberships in Professional Societies

Society for the Study of Evolution
Genetics Society of America
Behavior Genetics Association
Association of Southeastern Biologists
National Center for Science Education
Phi Beta Kappa

Civic and Community Service

Invited to present a seminar on Gene Function and Genetic Technologies to middle school teachers
for SMEC’s Science workshop- 6 - 8 Human Body & Genetic Influences, 2008
Presented talk on “Becoming a College Professor” to fourth and fifth grades of Blount Elementary; 2000
Guest “scientist” at Blount Elementary’s Career Day; 1999
Acted as “nature expert” for fifth grade class of Blount Elementary field trip to Hanging Rock, NC; 1998
Presented demonstration on isolation of DNA to New Hanover High School tenth grade class; 1997
Presented lectures on basic genetics to the fourth and fifth grade classes of Blount Elementary School; 1997

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