Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Zavalaga, Carlos B., Silvano Benvenuti, Luigi Dall’Antonia, Steven D. Emslie. 2007. Diving behavior of
Blue-footed Boobies (Sula nebouxii) in northern Perú in relation to sex, body size and prey type. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 336: 291-303.

Emslie, S. D. 2007. Fossil passerines from the early Pliocene of Kansas and the evolution of songbirds in
North America. Auk 124: 85-95.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (since 2007 only):

Curator, UNCW Ornithology Collections, 1998 to present

Editorial Board Member, Advances in Polar Science, since fall 2014

NSF Review Panel for Collections in Support of Biological Research Program, fall 2013

NSF Proposal reviewer

Reviewer for numerous peer-reviewed journals, annual since 1998

University Studies Advisory Committee member, since fall 2013

Chair’s Advisory Committee member, since fall 2014

PRESENTATIONS (past two years only):

2014 Mercury and Stable Isotope Analysis of Human Bone from a Late Neolithic/Chalcolithic Ditched
Enclosure at Perdigões, Portugal (with Rebecka Brasso, William Patterson, Ana Maria Silva, and
António Valera, co-authors). Society of Ethnobiology Annual Meeting, 11-14 May 2014, Cherokee,

2013 Penguins and ornithogenic sediment as a natural archive for ecosystem studies in Antarctica.
(with M.J. Polito, L. Coats, W.P. Patterson, co-authors). Presentation at XIth SCAR Biology
Symposium, 15-19 July, Barcelona, Spain.

2013 Climate change and the origin of split-twig figurines in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Presentation at 36th
Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology, 15-18 May 2013, Denton, TX (with L. Coats, co-

2012 Integrating stable isotopes with climate change and the paleohistory of Adélie Penguins in
Antarctica. Plenary Speaker, Global Change in the Mediterranean, Seville, Spain, 15-16 Nov 2012

2012 Adélie Penguins as biomonitors of Antarctic marine ecosystems: a 45,000 year history. Invited
Speaker, Seminar in Polar Sciences, Hefei, China, 28 October 2012


Graduate Committee Chair for: Terri Maness, Jenny McDaniel, Tom McGinnis, Jason Minton, Ellen
Wambach, Carlos Zavalaga, Deniz Aygen, Marcela Liljesthrom, Ed Cavallerano, Adriane Michaelis,
Michael Polito, Bryan McLean, Chance Remmel, Kiersten Newtoff, Amy Etherington, MS degrees;
Carlos Zavalaga, Virginia Winder, Michael Polito, Rebecka Brasso, Ph.D.

All of the above have graduated except for Amy Etherington, a new MS student in fall 2014.
Graduate Committee Member for: Michelle Shipp-Pennock, John Hackney, Debi Koster, Heather Quinn,
Melissa Leslie, Cassie Martin, James Casey, Katrina Roman, James Casey, Lisa Ogawa, Sandy
Camilleri, Anne-Marie Hodge, Chris Torres, Megan McCracken, Brittany Nicolaysen, Steve Poland
MS degrees; Byron Toothman, Ph.D.

Honors Committee Chair for Melissa Meadows, Rebecka Brasso, Mike Polito, Kerry Baumann, Mary
Strickland, Jordan Barlow, Chris Vasil, Kyle Welsh, Chelsea McDougall, Jennifer Lang (Co-Chair
with M. van Tuinen), Ashley McKenzie, Morgan Taylor (Co-Chair with Devon Eulie, EVS)

Undergraduate Committees: Honors committee member for Cori Cauble, Caitlin Mckinstry,
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