Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1


Student Member, Phycological Society of America, Program Committee (2010-2012).

Participating in organizing symposia, sessions, and workshops for annual meetings. Primary

planner and a participant of the freshwater field trip to Seattle’s municipal watershed in 201l.

Co-organizer (2009): Cascadian Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, University of Washington,

School of Oceanography. Four speakers from the Pacific Northwest addressed current topics in

chemical, physical, and biological oceanography, and astrobiology.

Researcher for scientific cruises

2010 SeaFlow flow-through cytometry and concurrent seawater filtration for nucleic acids

(Seattle, Washington to Honolulu, Hawaii)

2009 Oceans and Human Health education and research cruise (Puget Sound, Washington)

Peer reviewer for Genome (1), Journal of Phycology (2), Journal of Plankton Research (2),

Paleobiology (1), and PLoS ONE (3)

Academic mentor: Advised and supervised laboratory work of undergraduate researchers Katie

Sheridan (2013-2014), Laura Boyd and Zoe Frolking (2012 – 2013) at Mount Allison University,

Rachelle Lambert (2006 – 2009) and Kevin Tran (2009 – 2010) at the University Washington.

Advised experimental progress of Susan Sharpe* from Mount Allison University (2008 – 2011)

 Co-author of peer reviewed and published paper

Outreach mentor (2010 – 2011): Girls in Engineering, Math and Science, a program through

Association for Women in Science, Seattle Chapter. Mentored monthly meetings of 30 middle

school girls in scientific activities ranging from bridge construction to DNA extraction.


2012 Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sciences Symposium X, Honolulu HI: a

workshop of collaboration and career development. Invited Participant

2009 Aquatic Sciences International Meeting with the Association for the Sciences of

Oceanography and Limnology. Nice, France. Student presentation award for talks.

2008 Association for the Sciences of Oceanography and Limnology Summer Meeting. St.

John’s, New Foundland and Labrador. Student presentation awards for talks.

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