Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Biesack, E.^1 and T.E. Lankford. Genetic population structure of southern kingfish (Menticirrhus

americanus) in the U.S. South Atlantic Bight. Contributed Poster. 7th Annual UNCW

Undergraduate Research Showcase. April 2012.

Perry, J.M.^1 and T.E. Lankford. The UNCW Pond Fish Relocation Project: Design,

Implementation and Monitoring. Contributed Poster. 7th Annual UNCW Undergraduate Research

Showcase. April 2012

Royer, M.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2011. Diet analysis of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) in the

Southern California Bight. Contributed poster. The 6th Annual UNCW Showcase of

Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/11

Horton, A.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2011. Response of juvenile surf-zone fishes to beach

renourishment at Carolina and Kure Beach, North Carolina. The 6th Annual UNCW Showcase of

Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/11

Dixon, R.L.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2011. Prey size preferences of juvenile Florida pompano

(Trachinotus carolinus) foraging on coquina clams (Donax variabilis). The 6th Annual UNCW

Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/11

Ryan, L.M.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2011. Impacts of beach nourishment and shoreline development

on the feeding success of surf-zone fishes. The 6th Annual UNCW Showcase of Undergraduate

Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/11

Lipton, I., L. Perillo, R. Dixon, P. Pellerite and T.E. Lankford. 2010. Fish nursery function of

ocean surf-zone habitat: response to a human disturbance gradient. Contributed poster. Benthic

Ecology Meeting. UNC Wilmington. 3/10.

Dixon, R.L. and T.E. Lankford. 2010. Food habits of juvenile Trachinotus carolinus and

Menticirrhus littoralis at nourished versus unnourished beaches. Contributed poster. Benthic

Ecology Meeting. UNC Wilmington. 3/10.

Royer, M.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2010. Diet analysis of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) in the

Southern California Bight. Contributed poster. The 5th Annual UNCW Showcase of

Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/10.

Horton, A.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2010. Anthropogenic underwater noise pollution associated with

the 2010 Wrightsville Beach Renourishment Project. Contributed poster. The 5th Annual UNCW

Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/10.

Burns, T.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2010. Effects of the 2010 Wrightsville Beach Renourishment

Project on surf-zone turbidity levels. Contributed poster. The 5th Annual UNCW Showcase of

Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/10.

Dixon, R.L.^1 and T.E. Lankford. 2010. Diet analysis of juvenile surf-zone fishes: effects of human

impacts to beaches. Contributed poster. The 5th Annual UNCW Showcase of Undergraduate

Research and Creative Scholarship. UNC Wilmington. 4/10.

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