Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

12. López-Legentil S*, Turon X (2011) Pump water or produce larvae? Oscula occulusion during

the reproductive period of the sponge Svenzea zeai. Zoological Studies 50(3): 395

11. Martínez-García M*, Koblížek M, López-Legentil S, Antón J (2011) Epibiosis of oxygenic

phototrophs containing chlorophylls a, b, c, and d on the colonial ascidian Cystodytes

dellechiajei. Microbial Ecology 61(1): 13-19

10. Erwin PM*, López-Legentil S, Schuhmann PW (2010) The pharmaceutical value of the sea for

anti-cancer drug discovery. Ecological Economics 70: 445-451

9. López-Legentil S*, Erwin PM, Pawlik JR, Song B (2010) Effects of sponge bleaching on

ammonia oxidizing Archaea: Distribution and relative expression of ammonia monooxygenase

genes associated with the barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Microbial Ecology 60(3): 561-571

8. Bontemps N*, Bry D, López-Legentil S, Simon-Levert A, Long C, Banaigs B (2010)

Structures and antimicrobial activities of pyridoacridine alkaloids isolated from different

chromotypes of the ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei. Journal of Natural Products 73(6): 1044-


7. López-Legentil S*, Erwin PM, Henkel TP, Loh T-L, Pawlik JR (2010) Phenotypic plasticity in

the sponge Callyspongia vaginalis: morphological and molecular data. Scientia Marina 74(3): 445-


6. López-Legentil S*, Song B, DeTure M, Baden DG (2010) Characterization and localization of a

hybrid non ribosomal peptide synthetase and polyketide synthase gene from the toxic dinoflagellate

Karenia brevis. Marine Biotechnology 12: 32- 41

5. López-Legentil S*, Pawlik JR (2009) Genetic structure of the Caribbean giant barrel sponge

Xestospongia muta using the I3-M11 partition of COI. Coral Reefs 28:157-165

4. Pawlik JR*, Henkel TP, McMurray SE, López-Legentil S, Loh T-L, Rohde S (2008) Patterns of

sponge recruitment and growth on a shipwreck corroborate chemical defense resource trade-off.

Marine Ecology Progress Series 368: 137- 143

3. López-Legentil S*, Song B, McMurray SE, Pawlik JR (2008) Bleaching and stress in coral reef

ecosystems: Hsp70 expression by the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Molecular

Ecology 17(7): 1840-1850

2. López-Legentil S*, Turon X (2007) Lack of genetic variation in mtDNA over the amphiatlantic

distribution range of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

45(1): 405-408

1. López-Legentil S*, Bontemps-Subielos N, Turon X, Banaigs B (2007) Secondary metabolite and

inorganic contents in Cystodytes sp. (Ascidiacea): Temporal patterns and association with

reproduction and growth. Marine Biology 151: 293- 299

Presentations since 2007 (*Presenting author; undergraduate & graduate students in bold)

57. López-Legentil S, Legentil ML, Erwin PM, Turon X* (2014) Harbor networks as introduction

patchworks: Contrasting distribution patterns of native and introduced ascidians. V International

Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA)

56. Turon X*, Cañete JI, Sellanes J, López-Legentil S, Rocha RM (2014) Distribution patterns of

native and exotic ascidians in two areas of Chile with contrasting oceanographic features and

human activity record. V International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference, Woods Hole MA (USA)

55. Steindler L*, Burgsdorf I, Erwin PM, López-Legentil S, Cerrano C, Haber M (2014)

Biogeography rather than association with cyanobacteria structures symbiotic microbial

communities in the marine sponge Petrosia ficiformis. 2nd International Symposium on Sponge

Microbiology, Baltimore MD (USA)

54. Pita L*, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Riesgo A (2014) Microbial activity insights derived from

metatranscriptomics. 2nd International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Baltimore MD


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