Thornton, S.W., D. A. Pabst, V. G. Thayer, G. N. Lovewell, and W. A. McLellan. Marine mammal strandings in
southeastern North Carolina between 1995 and 2010. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium,
1 - 3 April 2011.
Velten, B.P., W. A. McLellan, and D. A. Pabst .A comparative study of the muscle physiology of three extreme
diving cetaceans. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, 1-3 April 2011.
Velten, B.P., W. A. McLellan, and D. A. Pabst. A comparative study of the locomotor muscle of extreme deep-
diving cetaceans. 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Tampa, Florida. November 27-
December 2, 2011. (BEST Pre-Doctoral Student Poster Award)
Foley, H.J., Holt, R.C., Hardee, R.E., Nilsson, P.B., Jackson, K.A., Read, A.J., Pabst, D.A. and W.A. McLellan.
Observations of a western North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) birth offshore of the protected Southeast
U.S. critical habitat. Right Whale Consortium Meeting. New Bedford, MA. November 3-4, 2010.
Harper, C.J. McLellan, W.A., Barco, S.G. and D.A Pabst. The gross morphology of the melon in a neonate right
whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Right Whale Consortium Meeting. New Bedford, MA. November 3-4, 2010.
Bagge, L.E., McLellan, W.A., Koopman, H.N., McAlarney, R.J., Nilsson, P.B., Blum, J.E., and Pabst, D.A.
Thermal properties of the blubber of adult female short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). National
Marine Animal Health and Stranding Network Conference. 6-9 April, 2010, Shepherdstown, WV.
Bagge, L.E., Koopman, H.N., Pokorny, A., McLellan, W.A., and D.A. Pabst. Depth-specific fatty acid composition
and temperature dependent thermal properties of the blubber of female short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala
macrorhynchus). Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, 26-28 March 2010.
Balmer, B., R. Wells, L. Schwacke, E. Zolman, S. Lane, T. Speakman, J. Kucklick, and D. Pabst. Geographic
variation in persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the Georgia
coast. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, 26-28 March 2010. (BEST PhD Student Oral
Balmer, B. C., R. S. Wells, L. H. Schwacke, W. A. McLellan, T. K. Rowles, F. I. Townsend, J. H. Schwacke, E. S.
Zolman, and D. A. Pabst. Combining existing and novel techniques to determine short-term movement patterns of
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting. 22-26 February 2010. Portland, OR.
Burdett Hart, L., Rotstein, D., Stolen, M., Durden, W., Mazza, T., McFee, W., Powell, J., McLellan, W., Pabst, A.,
Wells, R., George, C. and L. Schwacke. Name that Disease: Etiologic Studies of Skin Disease in Wild, Bottlenose
Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). National Marine Animal Health and Stranding Network Conference. 6-9 April, 2010,
Shepherdstown, WV.
Kielhorn, C., W.A. McLellan, and D. Ann Pabst. Locomotor muscle profiles of cetaceans: A comparative study of
aerobic capacity across two taxa, Delphinidae and Kogiidae. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal
Symposium, 26-28 March 2010. (BEST Master’s Poster Presentation)
McAlarney, R.J., Cummings, E. W., Nilsson, P.B., Foley, H., Hardee, R.E., Holt, R., Williams, L., Urian, K.,
Johnston, D.J. McLellan, W. A., Pabst, D. A. and A.J. Read. Protected species monitoring in Onslow Bay, NC:
January – December 2009. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, 26-28 March 2010.
McLellan, W.A., Piscitelli, M.A., Rommel, S.A., Kielhorn, C., William, T. and D.A. Pabst. Scaling of large whale
locomotor force production. National Marine Animal Health and Stranding Network Conference. 6-9 April, 2010,
Shepherdstown, WV.
Nilsson, P.B., Foley, H. J., Hardee, R.E., Holt, R. C., McAlarney, R.J., Cummings, E. W., Johnston, D.J., McLellan,
W. A., Pabst, D. A. and A.J. Read. Protected species monitoring in the proposed Under Sea Warfare Training Range
Off-Shore of Jacksonville, FL: Jan – Dec 2009. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, 26- 28
March 2010.
Pabst, D.A. The National Stranding Network: Past, Present and Future. National Marine Animal Health and
Stranding Network Conference. 6-9 April, 2010, Shepherdstown, WV.
Piscitelli, M.A., McLellan, W.A., Sentiel A. Rommel, S.A., Blum, J.A., Barco, S.G. and D.A. Pabst. Lung Size in
Shallow and Deep Diving Cetaceans. National Marine Animal Health and Stranding Network Conference. 6- 9
April, 2010, Shepherdstown, WV.
Rommel, S.A., Costidis, A.M., McLellan, W.A., Piscitelli, M.A., Cranford, T, and D. A. Pabst. Vascular structures
associated with the air sacs and fatty bodies in the ventral head of Tursiops truncatus, Kogia spp., and Ziphius
cavirostris. National Marine Animal Health and Stranding Network Conference. 6-9 April, 2010, Shepherdstown,