Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
Undergraduate Studies
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, N.C. 28403
(910) 962-2474
Ph.D. 1985 Biology, University of Oregon
B.A. 1980 Zoology with highest honors, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
A.A. 1978 General Studies, Charles County Community College, LaPlata, Maryland
2013-present Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington
2011-2013 University Accreditation Coordinator working with Provost’s Office
2004-2011 Chair, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina
at Wilmington
1989-present 1989-1994 Assistant Professor, 1994-1998 Associate Professor, 1998-onward
Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina
at Wilmington
Summers 1990-91; 1987-1989; Visiting Scientist/Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian
Environmental Research Center.
1985-1987 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Oregon
1985 Course Assistant, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Meyer, D. and M. Posey. 2014. Isolated salt marsh colonization by a resident species,
mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), and a transient species, pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 460: 197-210.
Meyer, D. and M. Posey. 2014. Influence of salt marsh size and landscape setting on salt marsh
nekton populations. Estuaries and Coasts. 37: 548-560.
Turano, M.J., M. Posey and T. Alphin. 2012. North Carolina’s shellfish industry: site conditions
and economic impacts. North Carolina SeaGrant publication UNC-SG-12-01. 6 pages.
Harwell, H., M. Posey and T. Alphin. 2011. Landscape aspects of oyster reefs: effects of
fragmentation on habitat utilization. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
409: 30-41.
Meyer, D. and M.H. Posey. 2009. Effects of life history strategy on fish distribution and use
of estuarine salt marsh and shallow water flat habitats. Estuaries and Coasts. 32: 797-812.
Carnegie, R., N.A. Stokes, C. Audemard, M. Bishop, A.E. Wilbur, T.D. Alphin, M.H. Posey,
C.H. Peterson and E.M. Burreson. 2008. Strong seasonality of Bonamia sp. Infection and
induced Crassostrea ariakensis mortality in Bogue and Masonboro Sounds, North
Carolina, USA. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 98: 335-343.